
DataMenuItem class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataMenuItem.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDataMenuItem Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyanchorElementGet a reference to the anchor dom element associated with the item.  
Public PropertychildItemGet the child item at the index specified. If enabled is set the children collection will be traveresed for the nearest enabled item (excluding the separator items), if the item at specified index is not enabled.  
Public PropertycssClassGet the CSS class applied to the item.  
Public Propertydefaults  
Public PropertyexpandedGet whether the menu item is expanded.  
Public PropertyisActiveGet whether the item is active.  
Public PropertyisSeparatorGet whether the item is of type separator.  
Public PropertyitemsGroupSettingsGet the item group settings.  
Public PropertylevelGets the level of the item on client. Root items are at level 0.  
Public PropertynavigateUrlGet the navigate URL.  
Public PropertynextItemGet the next sibling item.  
Public PropertyorientationGet the item orientation.  
Public PropertyparentItemGet the parent item of this item.  
Public PropertyprentItemsGroupSettingsGet the parent item group settings.  
Public PropertypreviousItemGet the prevous sibling item.  
Public PropertyselectedGet whether the item is currently selected.  
Public PropertystateCssClassGet the state CssClass used for this item.  
Public PropertytargetGet the URL target associated with the item.  
Public PropertytextGet the menu item text.  
Public PropertytextElementGet a reference to the menu item span element.  
Public Methods
Public MethodcalcScrolls  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes the object.  
Public MethodgetChildrenCountGet the number of children.  
Public MethodhasChildrenGet whether the item has children.  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes the DataMenuItem object.  
Public MethodisDescendantGet whether this item is descendant of the specified item.  
Public MethodopenOpens all sub-menus down to this item.  
Public Methodrestore_styleRestore the default item CSS classes.  
See Also