
WebDataTree class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebDataTree.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebDataTree Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyactiveNodeGets the current active node.  
Public PropertyallowDropGet whether the tree accepts nodes to be dragged to it from other trees on the page. Get whether the tree accepts nodes to be dragged to it from other trees on the page.  
Public PropertyanimationDurationGets the animation duration, which will be used for expanding or collapsing tree nodes.  
Public PropertyanimationEquationTypeGets the animation equation type, which will be used for expanding or collapsing tree nodes.  
Public PropertycheckBoxModeReturns the current CheckBoxMode. 0-Off, 1-BiState, 2-TriState mode.  
Public PropertycheckedNodesReturns an array holding all checked nodes.  
Public PropertycollapseImageToolTipGets the collapse image alt text.  
Public PropertydataLoadingMessageReturns a string value containing the text message to display when nodes are being fetched in an Ajax callback.  
Public PropertydataSource  
Public PropertydragDropModeGet a DragDropMode value which indicates whether nodes can be moved or copied or both during a drag and drop operation. Get a value which indicates whether nodes can be moved or copied or both during a drag and drop operation.  
Public PropertyenableAjaxReturns a boolean value that indicates whether or not Ajax load on demand is enabled for the tree.  
Public PropertyenableAutoCheckingGets a boolean value that determines if auto checking is enabled.  
Public PropertyenableConnectorLinesReturns a boolean value which indicates whether connector lines are displayed between nodes of the tree.  
Public PropertyenableDragDrop  
Public PropertyenableDropInsertionReturns a boolean value which indicates whether nodes can be inserted between other nodes in a drag and drop operation.  
Public PropertyenableExpandImagesReturns a boolean value which indicates whether expand images are displayed for nodes of the tree.  
Public PropertyenableExpandOnClickReturns a boolean value which indicates whether nodes can be expanded or collapsed when clicked with the mouse.  
Public PropertyenableHotTrackingGets a boolean value that determines if hot tracking if enabled.  
Public PropertyenableSingleBranchExpandGets a boolean value that determines if single branch expand is on.  
Public PropertyexpandImageToolTipGets the expand image alt text.  
Public PropertyfocusElementReturns the focus HTML element of the tree.  
Public PropertyselectedNodesReturns an array holding all selected nodes.  
Public PropertyselectionTypeReturns the UI selection type specified. 0-None, 1-Single, 2-multiple selection  
Public PropertysingleBranchExpandLevelGets an integer value that determines up to which sub level single branch expand is done.  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddAdd a node to the tree at the specified level.  
Public MethodaddRangeAdd an array of nodes to the tree at the specified level at the specified index.  
Public MethodaddTextAdd a new node with the specifed text and navigate url to the collection.  
Public MethodcreateNodeCreate a new node that can be added to the WebDataTree.  
Public MethoddataBind  
Public Methoddispose  
Public MethodfindFinds WebDataTree by its client ID.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebDataTree type.  
Public MethodgetNodeReturns the root node specified by the index parameter.  
Public MethodgetNodeEditingReturns the node editing object for the tree.  
Public MethodgetNodesReturns the collection of root nodes for the datatree.  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes the WebDataTree object.  
Public MethodinsertAdd a node to the tree at the specified location.  
Public MethoditemRenderedHandler  
Public MethoditemRenderingHandler  
Public MethodremoveRemove a node from the tree.  
Public MethodremoveAtRemove a node from the tree at the specified location.  
See Also