
GroupedRow class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by GroupedRow.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGroupedRow Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertychildGroupRowsReturns a collection of child sub-grouped rows if this grouped row has any. If the row has ub-grouped rows a collection of Infragistics.Web.UI.GroupedRowCollection is returned otherwise null is returned.  
Public PropertycolumnKeyGets the column key of the column the grouping of which created this grouped row.  
Public PropertyexpandedGets whether the grouped row is expanded or not.  
Public PropertyindexReturns the index of the grouped row in the Infragistics.Web.UI.GroupedRowCollection. index  
Public PropertyrowsReturns an array of data rows which are directly under this grouped row. If the row has data row directly under it, then an array of Infragistics.Web.UI.ContainerGridRow objects is returned otherwise null is returned.  
Public PropertytextGets the group row text  
Public Methods
Public MethoddisposeDisposes of the object.  
See Also