
Infragistics.Web.UI Namespace (WebImageViewer)

AJAXResponseErrorEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler when the AJAX request fails. It is cancelable so the default error message can be prevented.
AJAXResponseEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler.
AnimationBase A base class that provides the ability to create a custom animation.
CaptionArea A templatable object that can be used to just display text.
ContinuousAnimation An object that allows for customization of the Continuous Animation.
ContinuousScrollAnimation Initializes ContinuousScrollAnimation object and allows customizations for the continuous type animations.
ImageViewerButtonEventArgs EventArgs that contain the Button Element that triggered the event.
ImageViewerEventArgs EventArgs that contain the ImageItem that triggered the event.
ImageViewerKbBehavior Keyboard behavior for the ImageViewer.
NextItemAnimation An object that allows for customization of the NextItem Animation.
NextItemScrollAnimation Initializes NextItemScrollAnimation object and allows customizations for the next item type animations.
OpacityAnimation class implementing opacity animations
PageAnimation An object that allows for customization of the Page Animation.
PageScrollAnimation An object that allows for customization of the PageScroll Animation.
ScrollAnimationBase Initializes ScrollAnimationBase object, containing base logic for performing animations.
ScrollAnimations The object that contains the settings to change the type of Animation that will occur when the WebImageViewer scroll Images into view.
ScrollHelper An object that encapsulates the ImageViewer scroll logic.
SlideFadeAnimation Container of properties used by Slide/OpacityAnimations.
WebImageViewer Creates WebImageViewer client-side object.
AnimationEquationType The type of calculation that an animation will use to determine it's next position..
AnimationSlideDirection Direction used by SlideAnimation. It has 3 members: Vertical, Horizontal and Both. Their values are 1, 2, 3.
NextItemAlignment Specifies where an item should align when scrolled into view. ///
ScrollAnimation Specifies the Animation that should be used to scroll an item into view.///
ScrollNavigationDirection The direction in which a Navigation should occur.
See Also