
CalendarDay class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CalendarDay.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCalendarDay Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertycssGets sets value of css class used by day's TD element. Notes: If day is disabled, then the "get" method does not include css for disabled state. The "set" method will override all default values, so, it is recommended to append new classes to existing. Example: day.set_css(day.get_css() + ' myCss'); Css class name  
Public PropertydayGets value of day in month. Range of values: 1..31. Note: if day is a week number, then -1 is returned. Day of month  
Public PropertydisabledGets sets disabled state of day as boolean.True: day is disabled  
Public PropertydowGets value of day of the week. Range of values: 0..6. Note: if day is a week number, then -1 is returned.Day of week  
Public PropertyelementGets reference to the TD html element used by day.  
Public PropertyindexGets value of index within grid of calendar. Range of values: 0..47. Day in calendar: 0..41, week number: 42..47.Index of day  
Public PropertymonthGets value of month. Range of values: 1..12.Month  
Public PropertytextGets sets value of text used by day. It is used for text/innerHTML of day's TD element.Text in day  
Public PropertyweekNumberGets value of week number. Range of values: 1..53. Note: if it is a day in calendar, then the -1 is returned.Week number  
Public PropertyyearGets value of year. Range of values: 2..9999.Year  
Public Methods
Public MethodisFocusChecks if day has focus style.  
Public MethodisHoverChecks if day has hover style.  
Public MethodisOtherMonthChecks if day belongs to the previous or next month.  
Public MethodisSelectedChecks if day has selected style.  
Public MethodisTodayChecks if day is today.  
Public MethodisWeekendChecks if day is weekend.  
See Also