
WebProgressBar class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebProgressBar.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebProgressBar Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyanimationDurationReturns the length in milliseconds of the animations.  
Public PropertyanimationThresholdReturns the minimum value change that will result in an animation  
Public PropertyanimationTypeReturns the animation equation used.  
Public PropertyfillDirectionReturns the direction that the bar fills  
Public PropertyfillModeReturns mode of fill  
Public PropertyformattedLabelReturns the formatted label string with the current values inserted  
Public PropertyformattedTooltipReturns the formatted tooltip string with the current values inserted  
Public PropertyheightReturns the height of the control in pixels  
Public PropertylabelAlignmentReturns the LabelAlignment property of the control.  
Public PropertylabelFormatReturns the LabelFormatString of the control.  
Public PropertymaximumReturns Maximum property of the control  
Public PropertyminimumReturns Minimum property of the control  
Public PropertyorientationGets Orientation of the control  
Public PropertyprogressValueGets the Value property of the control.  
Public PropertyremainingValueReturns the unfilled value, either as a percentage (if percent is true) or as a quantity  
Public PropertysnapIntervalGets the SnapInterval property of the control.  
Public PropertywidthReturns the width of the control in pixels  
Public Methods
Public MethoddisposeDisposes of this WebProgressBar instance  
Public MethodfindFinds WebProgressBar by its client ID.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebProgressBar type.  
Public Methodinitialize  
Public MethodisAnimatingReturns true if the animation is currently running.  
Public Methodreset_progressValueResets the Value property of the control and then calls _snapToInterval to start the control update process.  
See Also