
WebTab class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebTab.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebTab Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyactiveIndexGets sets index of active TabItem as integer. That property has effect only when activation is enabled and control is visible. If the get returns -1, then control does not have focus and there is no active item. If the get returns get_tabs().length, then add-new-tab button is active. If control does not have focus, then the set will set focus to control and activate TabItem. Index of active tab  
Public PropertyenabledChecks if control is enabled.True: control is enabled  
Public PropertyenableValidationGets sets option to enable validation when selected tab is changed or its content is reloaded. Value should be boolean.True: validation is enabled  
Public PropertyheightGets sets height of control as string. Value should be percentage or pixel unit value.Height in units  
Public PropertyscrollPositionGets sets scroll of tabs as integer.Scroll position  
Public PropertyselectedIndexGets sets index of selected tab as integer.Index of tab item  
Public PropertytabItemSizeGets sets size of tab item in % or px units as string.Size in units  
Public PropertytabsGets reference to collection of tab items. Returns array of Infragistics.Web.UI.TabItem objects.Array of tab items  
Public PropertytabsOverflowGets sets option to reduce sizes of tabs when their overall size does not fit in size of control. Integer value of 1 means that size of tabs can be reduced to keep them in bounds of control. Value of 0 means that size of tabs is preserved and size of control can be larger than value set on server. Possible values: 0 or 1  
Public PropertytextOverflowGets sets option to add ... if text does not fit in tab item element. Integer value of 1 means that ... is used.Possible values: 0 or 1  
Public PropertyvisibleContentGets sets visibility of content as boolean.True: content is visible  
Public PropertyvisibleHeaderGets sets visibility of header as boolean.True: header is visible  
Public PropertywidthGets sets width of control as string. Value should be percentage or pixel unit value.Width in units  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddCopyAdds a copy of TabItem.  
Public MethodaddTabAdds new TabItem.  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes object and event handlers.  
Public MethodendEditingEnd editing of TabItem's text.  
Public MethodfindFinds WebTab by its client ID.  
Public MethodfindTabFromKeyFind TabItem by key.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebTab type.  
Public MethodgetAddNewTabImgReturns html element which is used as image on add-new-tab button.  
Public MethodgetAddNewTabSpanReturns html element which is used as add-new-tab button.  
Public MethodgetContentDivReturns html element which is used as container of all content panes.  
Public MethodgetEditingInputReturns html element which is used to edit text in TabItem.  
Public MethodgetHeaderSpanReturns html element which is used as the header of control.  
Public MethodgetLayoutManagerGets reference to LayoutManager located at index (TabItem which defines bounds of its children).  
Public MethodgetTabAtGets reference to TabItem at particular index.  
Public MethodgetVisibleSiblingGets reference to visible TabItem located in front or after tab.  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes instance of WebTab.  
Public MethodmoveTabMove tab to new location.  
Public MethodrepaintRepaints control.  
Public MethodscrollIntoViewScroll tabs header to make TabItem visible.  
Public MethodsetSizeGets size of control.  
Public MethodstartEditingStart editing of TabItem's text.  
See Also