
WebChart Accessibility Compliance

All of our ASP.NET controls and components comply with section 508, subpart 1194.22 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Below is a table containing the 16 rules of subpart 1194.22 and how we comply with each rule. In some cases, you may have to set a property. In other cases, you won’t have to do anything as our control does all the work for you.

Rules How We Comply with the Rules


By enabling the Section508 property, appearance classes that relate to Section 508 can be set, to meet compliance.

The classes are listed below:


Observe the behavior of the tooltips on the chart when enabling Section 508. If the AltFormatString property is used, this will produce a secondary tooltip that obscures the original chart tooltip. It is best to use the AltFormatString to display all tooltip information and turn the standard chart tooltip off by setting the Tooltips.Display property to Never for maximum accessibility.


No settings need to be done, for this paragraph, as it is the default settings.