
DragDropBehavior class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DragDropBehavior.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDragDropBehavior Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertycancelMouseDownGets sets ability to cancel browser mousedown event and stop its propagation. Note: that may affect only Firefox and browsers which do not support elementFromPoint method. True: cancel mousedown (default value).  
Public PropertycopyCursorGets sets the cursor that should be used if the DragDropEffect is Copy. Note: the set_copyCursor may contain optional second param, which specifies whether the cursor is a default browser cursor (false), or a custom url(true). Either a default browser cursor name, or a custom url.  
Public PropertycurrentElementDragMarkupGets sets option to use html element located under mouse as drag markup, or use whole source element. True: use html element located under mouse. False: use whole source element. Default value is false.  
Public PropertydefaultDropActionGets sets default action which should occur when source element was dropped on target. A constant of Infragistics.Web.UI.DragDropAction  
Public PropertydragDropModeGets sets drag-drop mode. If set, the DragDropEffect won't be overridable via the keyboard. Which means it doesn't matter if the user presses the Ctrl or Shift key, because the specified effect will remain. To turn off this behavior the developer can pass in a DragDropEffect of Default. A constant of Infragistics.Web.UI.DragDropEffects.  
Public PropertydragMarkupGets sets the custom drag markup that will be used to simulate an element during the Drag operation. If no markup is specified, a clone will be made of the source element, and that will be used. If your drag markup will change based on what is being dragged, you can set the drag markup as late as the DragStart event. If you do not want any drag markup, you can pass in a empty element, such as document.createElement("div").  
Public PropertydragMarkupAlignedToMouseGets sets ability to shift top left corner of markup to the location of mouse. True: top left corner of markup is shifted to the location of mouse, false: markup at original location of source.  
Public PropertydragMarkupMouseOffsetXGets sets the horizontal offset of drag markup relative to the source element. Offset in pixels  
Public PropertydragMarkupMouseOffsetYGets sets the vertical offset of drag markup relative to the source element. Offset in pixels  
Public PropertydragMarkupOpacityGets/sets the opacity of the drag markup. The method expects a value between 0 and 100, where 0 is invisible and 100 is opaque. By default the opacity is set to 40. Opacity of drag markup element.  
Public PropertyeventsReturns a reference to the Infragistics.Web.UI.DragDropEvents object, which contains all the events of the behavior. Reference to events.  
Public PropertyminimumStartDragShiftXGets sets the minimum horizontal shift between mouse-down and mouse-drag points, which triggers start drag action. Shift between mousedown and mousedrag in pixels  
Public PropertyminimumStartDragShiftYGets sets the minimum vertical shift between mouse-down and mouse-drag points, which triggers start drag action. Shift between mousedown and mousedrag in pixels  
Public PropertymoveCursorGets sets the cursor that should be used if the DragDropEffect is Move. Note: the set_moveCursor may contain optional second param, which specifies whether the cursor is a default browser cursor (false), or a custom url(true). Either a default browser cursor name, or a custom url.  
Public PropertynoneCursorGets sets the cursor that should be used if the DragDropEffect is None. Note: the set_noneCursor may contain optional second param, which specifies whether the cursor is a default browser cursor (false), or a custom url(true). Either a default browser cursor name, or a custom url.  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddDragChannelsSets the channels that the source object is allowed to be dragged onto.  
Public MethodaddDropChannelsSets the channels that a target object is listening for.  
Public MethodaddSourceElementNotifies the behavior that the following element is draggable.  
Public MethodaddSourceObjectNotifies the behavior that the element associated with the object is draggable.  
Public MethodaddTargetElementNotifies the behavior that the following element is a possible drop target, which means that events such as DragEnter, DragLeave, DragMove, and Drop will fire when the mouse enters the element while in a Drag operation.  
Public MethodaddTargetObjectNotifies the behavior that the following element associated with the object is a possible drop target, which means that events such as DragEnter, DragLeave, DragMove, and Drop will fire when the mouse enters the element while in a Drag operation.  
Public MethoddisposeRemoves event handlers and clears objects.  
Public MethodremoveSourceRemoves source which was set by addSourceElement or by addSourceObject.  
Public MethodremoveTargetRemoves target which was set by addTargetElement or by addTargetObject.  
See Also