| Name | Description |
| DataKey | Gets/sets unique key object used in data binding. For keys that are of type string, the Key property can also be used. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebDataObject) |
| DayOfMonth | Gets/sets the number of the day in its respective month on which each occurrence will occur. Applicable only when the Period property is set to 'Monthly' or 'Yearly'. |
| DayOfWeekMask | Gets/sets the day(s) of the week on which each occurrence occurs. |
| DayOfWeekMaskUtc | Gets/sets the day(s) of the week on which each occurrence occurs in UTC. |
| Description | Returns the human-readable description of this Recurrence instance. |
| EditType | Determines whether the entire series or only the individual occurrence will be deleted, or if the user will be prompted to select. |
| EndDateUtc | Gets/sets the date that defines the end of the recurrence. |
| HasVariances | Returns a boolean value indicating whether any variance activities are associated with this recurring activity root. |
| IsEmpty | Check if object contains only default values. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase) |
| Key | Gets/sets unique key string used in data binding. For keys that are not of type string, use the DataKey property. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebDataObject) |
| LastReminderDateTimeUtc | Gets/sets the date/time of the last reminder notification produced for an occurrence within this recurring series. |
| MaxOccurrences | Gets/sets the maximum number of occurrences for the recurrence. |
| MonthOfYear | Gets/sets the month of the year on which individual occurrences will occur. |
| Period | Gets/sets the frequency at which the recurrence occurs, i.e., whether it occurs daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. |
| PeriodMultiple | Gets/sets the interval between occurrences of the recurrence. |
| RecurrenceDayOfMonth | Gets/sets whether the recurrence should occur on the first, second, third, fourth or last occurrence of the day of the week (corresponding to the value of the DayOfWeekMask property) in its respective month. |
| RecurrenceId | Gets a globally unique identifier that identifies this instance. Used for deserialization purposes. |
| RootActivity | Returns the Appointment object that fully describes all occurrences (except for the date and start/end time) of 'non-variance' recurrences. This Appointment acts as a template that describes the subject, location, etc. of the recurrence. |
| StartDateUtc | Gets the date that defines the beginning of the recurrence. |
| UtcOffset | The UTC offset of when the Recurrence was created or last modified. |
| Variances | Returns a collection of Appointments that belong to the recurrence represented by this Recurrence that have been modified. |