
Known Issues and Limitations ASP.NET 13.1

Known Issues and Limitations in 2013 Volume 1


The following table summarizes the known issues and limitations of the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET® 2013.1 release. Detailed explanations and possible workarounds are provided for some of the issues follow the summary table.


  • Workaround - Workaround available

  • No Workaround - No known workaround

  • Fix Planned - Fix planned

Issue Description Status

When using the Designer in MS Visual Studio® with WebHierarchicalDataGrid™ and WebHierarchicalDataSource™ inside an UpdatePanel, there may be an issue with the Designer contiuously repainting and appearing as if it is frozen.

Known Issues and Limitations ASP.NET 12.1 1.png

When a WebTab™, with either no width defined or width defined as percentage, is placed in a <TD> element with no width defined, occasionally the WebTab control is unable to calculate the tab width correctly and, as a result, display the tab excessively wide.

Known Issues and Limitations ASP.NET 12.1 1.png

When using the WebDataGrid control with active Input Method Editor (IME) mode with Edit mode configured to trigger on key press, the first character entered by the user may display as a Roman character.

Known Issues and Limitations ASP.NET 12.1 1.png

With WebDataGrid™ and WebTab controls inside an UpdatePanel, asynchronous post-backs might result in a memory leak.

Known Issues and Limitations ASP.NET 12.1 1.png

In the WebSchedule™ control, recurring appointments render incorrectly when they span multiple days with at least one day occuring on a weekend.

Known Issues and Limitations ASP.NET 12.1 1.png

Visual Studio Designer freezes with WebHierarchicalDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataSource in UpdatePanel

When using the Designer in Microsoft® Visual Studio with WebHierarchicalDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataSource inside an UpdatePanel, there may be an issue with the Designer continuously repainting and appearing as if it is frozen.



Place the WebHierarchicalDataSource outside of the UpdatePanel control.

Potentially incorrect tab width when a WebTab is added to a element

When a WebTab , with either no width defined or width defined as a percentage, is placed in a <TD> element with no width defined, occasionally the WebTab control is unable to calculate the tab width correctly and, as a result, display the tab excessively wide.



Explicitly configure a pixel width on the WebTab control.

Possibly misinterpreting the first character of text entered in edit mode when the WebDataGrid/ WebHierarchicalDataGrid is in IME mode and Edit mode is configured to trigger on key press

When using the WebDataGrid control with active Input Method Editor (IME) mode with Edit mode configured to trigger on key press, the first character entered by the user may display as a Roman character.

This issue can occur because when interpreting the IME, the browser requires an actual INPUT element. Because the WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid displays data in <TD> elements as opposed to INPUT`s, the browser will use Roman characters until the `INPUT is displayed for editing, which is the point at which the IME can accept component characters or processing commands. This results in an initial Roman character as the first input character followed by the correct component characters.



Clear the initial character from the enteredEditMode event.

In JavaScript:

function entered(grid, args) {
          var editor = args.getEditor();
     setTimeout(function () { editor.set_value("") }, 0);

Asynchronous post-backs causing occasional memory leaks when WebDataGrid and WebTab are inside an UpdatePanel

With WebDataGrid and WebTab controls inside an UpdatePanel, asynchronous post-backs could cause a memory leak.

This issue appears to originate in the browser or the ASP.NET AJAX library as it is also reproducible with Microsoft’s GridView and an HTML table within the UpdatePanel.



Place Infragistics Ajax controls outside UpdatePanel and to use controls own AJAX capabilities.

Recurring multi-day appointments in WebSchedule render incorrectly when they occur on weekends

In the WebSchedule control, recurring appointments render incorrectly when they span over multiple days including a weekend.



Set the EnableMultiDayEventBanner property of the WebSchedule’s DetailEventCalenderWebScheduleInfo object to false .

In C#:

WebSchedule.DetailEventCalenderWebScheduleInfo.EnableMultiDayEventBanner = false;


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

Contains all of the overview/task-based information related to the WebDataGrid control consisting of valuable information about the control, ranging from what it does and why you would want to use it in your application, to step-by-step procedures on how to use the control accomplish common tasks.

Contains all of the overview/task-based information related to the WebHierarchicalDataGrid control consisting ofvaluable information about WebHierarchicalDataGrid, ranging from what the control does and why you would want to use it in your application, to step-by-step procedures on how to use the control to accomplish common tasks.

Contains all of the overview/task-based information related to the WebHierarchicalDataSource control consisting of valuable information about WebHierarchicalDataSource, ranging from what the control does and why you would want to use it in your application, to step-by-step procedures on how to accomplish a common task using the control.

Contains all of the overview/task-based information related to the WebTab control consisting of valuable information about the control, ranging from what it does and why you would want to use it in your application, to step-by-step procedures on how to accomplish a common task using the control.

Because the WebSchedule controls (e.g., WebCalendarView, WebMonthView, WebScheduleInfo ) are part of the WebSchedule assembly and take advantage of similar features, we have grouped topics that apply to multiple WebSchedule controls together in this section.