
Retrieving a Reference to a Client Side HTML Element

In the client side, you may need to retrieve a reference to an HTML element on the page. Most Ultimate UI for ASP.NET controls expose client-side events which pass in a reference to the HTML element that fired the event; however, what if you needed a reference to another HTML element on the page?

Using ASP.NET AJAX’s built-in $find shortcut method, you can easily retrieve a reference to any client-side object by passing the object’s ID to the method as a parameter. Once the component is found, you can interact with it as you would a normal client-side object.


Even though this example uses the WebSplitter control, you can still apply this logic to any control or element.

Assumptions for the following code example:

  • You have already created a new ASP.NET AJAX-Enabled Web Site.

  • You have an instance of the ASP.NET AJAX ScriptManager on the WebForm.

  • You have enabled Infragistics Application Styling for the application and you are using the Default Style. For more information, see Enabling Application Styling Using the web.config File.

  • You have instances of WebSplitter™ controls on the form.

The following code will retrieve a reference to the WebSplitter control whose ID is WebSplitter1.

In JavaScript:

var splitter = $find("WebSplitter1");
        if(splitter != null)