
Infragistics.Web.UI Namespace (Shared)

AjaxIndicator Class used for progress indicator while async postbacks.
AJAXResponseErrorEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler when the AJAX request fails. It is cancelable so the default error message can be prevented.
AJAXResponseEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler.
Behavior Base class for behavior.
CallbackObject An object that contains information about a Callback that should be made to the server.
CallbackRequestHandler Handles a CallbackObject's request and resposne.
CancelEventArgs Base class for object used as parameter while raising cancelable client events related to browser action.
ClientStateManagerBase An object in charge of managing the ClientState of an Object.
CollectionClientStateManager A ClientStateManager that handles any ObjectBase that belongs to an ObjectCollection.
CollectionsManager For Internal Use Only. An object that manages all ObjectCollections of an Infragistics.Web.UI.Control.
CollectionTransactionList A Transaction list targeted for ObjectBase objects that belong to an ObjectCollection.
ControlCallbackManager An object in charge of managin all Callbacks for an Infragistics.Web.UI.Control.
ControlMain The client side base class for all Infragistics.Web.UI.Controls.
EventArgs Base class for object used as parameter while raising client events related to browser action.
FlagsHelper This class is for internal use only. Provides helper methods for decoding and coding UIFlags.
ImageCheckBox Represents an Image CheckBox capable of display in tri-state or bi-state mode. In bi-state the checkbox offers two states - checked and unchecked. In tri-state the checkbox offers three states - checked, unchecked and partial.
ImageObject An object that has an associated image element and the concept of different states, such as Normal, Hover, Pressed, and Disabled.
ListItem Represents an item for flat data controls.
MoveEventArgs Class for object used as parameter while raising Move events.
MSAjaxCollectionClientStateManager A ClientStateManager that handles any ObjectBase that belongs to an ObjectCollection.
MSAjaxCollectionsManager For Internal Use Only. An object that manages all ObjectCollections of an Infragistics.Web.UI.Control.
MSAjaxCollectionTransactionList A Transaction list targeted for ObjectBase objects that belong to an ObjectCollection.
MSAjaxObjectTransactionList A TransactionList targeted for ObjectBase objects.
NavControl Represents a control class for hierarchical data controls.
NavItem Represents an item for hierarchical data controls.
NavItemCollection A collection of Navigation Items.
NotifySizeChangedBehavior behavior which listens for changes of size for a specific element
NotifySizeChangedFromZeroBehavior notifies for size changes that start from zero
ObjectBase The base object for all Infragistics.Web.UI objects.
ObjectClientStateManager A ClientStateManager that handles any object that derives from ObjectBase.
ObjectCollection The base collection class for Infragistics.Web.UI.Controls.
ObjectsManager Manages all objects for a control.
ObjectTransactionList A TransactionList targeted for ObjectBase objects.
PostBackEventArgs Base class for object used as parameter while raising client events related to postback action.
TransactionListBase An object in charge of managing any Transaction of ClientState.
UIBehaviorsObject This class is for Internal Use Only. A behavior that controls Selection, Hovering, Dragging, and Dropping, for a specified ObjectColection.
UIObject An object that has UIFlags associated with it.
AjaxIndicatorBlockArea Type of block which is rendered above control or window while asynchronous postback.
CheckBoxMode checkbox mode - off, bistate or tristate
CheckBoxState single checkbox state - unchecked, checked or partial
ClientUIFlags Indicates which state flags are set for rendering client state objects.
DefaultableBoolean Defaultable boolean values allow the user to either directly set the value to control a behavior or inherit from a parent object that will be set.
Orientation Specifies the type of Orientation that should be applied.
PostBackAction The type of action that should occur when listening to a client event.
RelativeLocation Location of target element relative to container.
That contains following integer members:
NotSet (-1), TopLeft (0), TopCenter (1), TopRight (2), TopInfront (3), TopBehind (3), MiddleLeft (8), MiddleCenter (9), MiddleRight (10), MiddleInfront (11), MiddleBehind (12), BottomLeft (16), BottomCenter (17), BottomRight (18), BottomInfront (19), BottomBehind (20), AboveLeft (32), AboveCenter (33), AboveRight (34), AboveInfront (35), AboveBehind (36), BelowLeft (64), BelowCenter (65), BelowRight (66), BelowInfront (67), BelowBehind (68)
See Also


Shared Library