The CDN delivers Javascript, CSS, and Image files for all Ultimate UI for ASP.NET controls. For the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls, you have the option to retrieve a combined Javascript file for all of the controls; This option eliminates multiple requests for each control’s Javascript file. The WebSchedule, WebHtmlEditor, WebChart, WebGauge, WebSpellChecker, WebResizingExtender, and WebImageButton controls do not offer this option; separate JavaScript files are served for those controls. CSS files also do not support the combining functionality.
To enable the Combining functionality, use the enableCdnScriptCombining or EnableCombining properties in the Web.config file or WebScriptManager component, respectively.
<infragistics.web styleSetName="Default" enableCdn="True" enableCdnScriptCombining="True"/>
<ig:WebScriptManager runat="server">
<InfragisticsCDN Enabled="True" EnableCombining="True"></InfragisticsCDN>
All files are delivered compressed using Gzip for browsers that support it. This allows for a smaller file to be sent, reducing end-user load time. If end-users are using a browser that does not support Gzip compression such as IE6, uncompressed files are delivered.