
WebCaptcha class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebCaptcha.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebCaptcha Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertycaptchaImageRegenerationTimeouttimeout in seconds after which the image will be automatically regenerated via Async postback value which specifies the timeout in seconds after which the image will be automatically regenerated via Async postback  
Public PropertycurrentFormSubmissionTimeoutSecondsreturns the actual time it took to submit the form seconds specifying the time it took to submit the form  
Public PropertyenableCaptchaImageRegenerationSpecifies if image regeneration will be allowed without doing a full postback returns a value which pecifies if image regeneration will be allowed without doing a full postback  
Public PropertyformSubmissionTimeoutSecondsThe minimum number of seconds that need to pass before form is successfully submitted (and validated ) minimum number of seconds that the user needs to spend filling in the form  
Public PropertyprotectionModeCaptcha protection mode protection mode value  
Public PropertyvalidationFailedIndicates if the Captcha validation has failed on the server (that is, this is related to the Previous captcha image, not the current one)  
Public Methods
Public Methoddisposefor internal use only  
Public Methodinitializefor internal use only  
Public MethodregenerateImageregenerate captcha image if regeneration has been explicitly allowed from the server  
See Also