The event fired when the chart scrollbar is clicked on.
<dd>A reference to the IGScrollBar object.
---- //Called when the chart is scrolled.
function UltraChart1_ClientOnChartScroll(oIGScrollBar) {
// Value of scroll bar
var value = oIGScrollBar.Value;
// Height of scroll bar
var height = oIGScrollBar.Height;
// Width of scroll bar
var width = oIGScrollBar.Width
// Maximum value of scroll bar
var maximum = oIGScrollBar.Maximum;
// Minimum value of scroll bar
var minimum = oIGScrollBar.Minimum;
window.status = "Value:: " + value
" Height:: " + height
" Width:: " width
" Maximum Value:: "maximum
" Minimum Value:: "+minimum;
The event fired when the crosshair is moved over the chart.
<dd>The x-coordinate of the mouse location.</dd>
<dd>The y-coordinate of the mouse location.
---- // Called when the crosshair is moved around the chart
function UltraChart1_ClientOnCrosshairMove(x, y){
// x coordinate of the crosshair
var xValue = x;
// y coordinate of the crosshair
var yValue = y;
window.status = "Crosshair at (" + xValue + ","yValue ")";
The event fired when the crosshair is shown as a result of moving the mouse into the crosshair area.
<dd>The x-coordinate of the mouse location.</dd>
<dd>The y-coordinate of the mouse location.
---- // Called when the crosshair is displayed on chart
function UltraChart1_ClientOnShowCrosshair(x, y){
var chartHtml = document.getElementById("UltraChart1");
// Set the HTML element that hosts the
//chart’s background color to yellow
chartHtml.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
// x coordinate of the crosshair
var xValue = x;
// y coordinate of the crosshair
var yValue = y;
window.status = "Crosshair shown at (" + xValue + "," + yValue+")";
The event fired when the crosshair is hidden as a result of moving the mouse out of the crosshair area.
<dd>The x-coordinate of the mouse location.</dd>
<dd>The y-coordinate of the mouse location.
---- // Called when the crosshair is hidden from the chart
function UltraChart1_ClientOnHideCrosshair(x, y){
// x coordinate of the crosshair
var xValue = x;
// y coordinate of the crosshair
var yValue = y;
window.status = "Crosshair hidden at (" + xValue + "," + yValue+")";
The event fired when the tooltip is shown as a result of moving the mouse over of the tooltip area.
<dd>The current text value for the toolip.</dd>
<dd>A reference to the tooltip’s html element.
---- // Called when the tooltip is shown on the chart
function UltraChart1_ClientOnShowTooltip(text, tooltip_ref){
// If tooltip value is less than 4, set the background color of the
// tooltip to red, else set it to yellow
if (text < 4)
tooltip_ref.style.backgroundColor = "red";
tooltip_ref.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
// Enable the tooltip
tooltip_ref.disabled = false;
// Set the font properties of the tooltip
tooltip_ref.style.fontFamily = "Arial";
tooltip_ref.style.fontSize = "14px";
tooltip_ref.style.fontWeight = "bold";
The event fired when the tooltip is hidden as a result of moving the mouse out of the tooltip area.
<dd>The current text value for the toolip.</dd>
<dd>A reference to the tooltip’s html element.
---- // Called when the tooltip is hidden
function UltraChart1_ClientOnHideTooltip(text, tooltip_ref){
// Value of tooltip
var tooltipValue = text;
// Set the background color to red
tooltip_ref.style.backgroundColor = "red";
// Disable the tooltip
tooltip_ref.disabled = true;
The event fired when chart data is clicked.
<dd>A reference to the IGUltraChart object in context.</dd>
<dd>The row number in context.</dd>
<dd>The column number in context.</dd>
<dd>The data value in context.</dd>
<dd>The row label in context.</dd>
<dd>The column label in context.</dd>
<dd>The javascript event type in context.</dd>
<dd>A unique identifier for the chart layer containing the data that was clicked.
---- // Called when the chart is clicked on
function UltraChart1_ClientOnMouseClick(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id){
var chartHtml = document.getElementById("UltraChart1");
// If chart is clicked below row 2, the HTML element that hosts the
//chart’s background color is changed tored
if (row < 2)
chartHtml.style.backgroundColor = "red";
// If value clicked is below 4,
//the HTML element that hosts the
//chart’s background color is changed to blue
if (value < 4)
chartHtml.style.backgroundColor = "blue";
// Enable Cross Hair when chart is clicked
this_ref.EnableCrossHair = true;
// Enable Tooltip fading when chart is clicked
this_ref.EnableTooltipFading = true;
// Display which row and column was clicked
window.status = "Row Clicked:: "+ row_label
" Column Clicked:: "+ column_label;
The event fired when the mouse cursor moves out of charted data.
<dd>A reference to the IGUltraChart object in context.</dd>
<dd>The row number in context.</dd>
<dd>The column number in context.</dd>
<dd>The data value in context.</dd>
<dd>The row label in context.</dd>
<dd>The column label in context.</dd>
<dd>The javascript event type in context.</dd>
<dd>A unique identifier for the chart layer containing the data that was clicked.
---- // Called when the mouse moves away from the chart data
function UltraChart1_ClientOnMouseOut(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id){
// Disable Cross Hair when mouse moves away
this_ref.EnableCrossHair = false;
// Display which row and column the mouse moved away from
window.status = "Row Mouse Out:: "+ row_label
" Column Mouse Out:: "+ column_label;
The event fired when the mouse cursor moves over charted data.
<dd>A reference to the IGUltraChart object in context.</dd>
<dd>The row number in context.</dd>
<dd>The column number in context.</dd>
<dd>The data value in context.</dd>
<dd>The row label in context.</dd>
<dd>The column label in context.</dd>
<dd>The javascript event type in context.</dd>
<dd>A unique identifier for the chart layer containing the data that was clicked.
---- // Called when the mouse moves over chart data
function UltraChart1_ClientOnMouseOver(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id) {
// Enable the crosshair
this_ref.EnableCrossHair = true;
// Disable the tooltip
this_ref.TooltipVisible = false;
// Display which row and column the mouse is over
window.status = "Mouse Over:: " + row_label
" Column Clicked:: " + column_label;