
About WebCurrencyEditor

WebCurrencyEditor™ is an editor control which allows currency editing functionality and provides various appearance and behavior based properties. WebCurrencyEditor is built using the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX Framework to leverage a proven code base that promotes a high performance and responsive end-user experience. You can find WebCurrencyEditor in the Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls namespace.

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Like all Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls, WebCurrencyEditor seamlessly integrates into the Infragistics® Application Styling Framework. With CSS based properties you can manually customize the WebCurrencyEditor by leveraging your existing style sheets.

WebCurrencyEditor also exposes a robust model within the client-side Javascript programming environment. The client-side object model (CSOM) consists of full-fledged properties and methods that enable developers to program significant units of functionality without the need of server-side postbacks.

Some of the WebCurrencyEditor control’s features include:

  • High-Performance — Lightweight markup and optimized code improve performance.

  • Spin Buttons — End-users can easily spin through a list of values.

  • Standard Validators support — Supports ASP.NET validator controls.

  • NegativeCssClass — This is applied to the editor when the value is negative.

  • DisplayFactor — Applies a multiplier to the value(List of supported values : 1, 10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000).

  • Min and Max values — You can easily specify the allowable range of numbers that can be entered into the editor.

  • MinDecimalPlaces — Allows you to set the minimum number of decimal places to be displayed when the control loses focus.

  • DataMode — Allows you to set the type of object that is used to wrap the value in the control.

  • SelectionOnFocus — You can set different selection types for whenever entering edit mode.

  • Culture — You can set the CultureInfo object used by the control for localized formatting.

  • MaxLength — Allows you to set the maximum length of a text string that can be entered into the control.