
Excel Style Filtering Overview

Topic Overview


This topic introduces the Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebDataGrid™ control.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic demonstrates how to add WebDataGrid to a page and retrieve the Customers table of the Northwind sample database.


Excel-Style Filtering summary

The Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebDataGrid filters the data in the grid using the filtering conventions employed by Microsoft® Excel® worksheets. The feature basically breaks the data into a smaller subset that matches your filter criteria and displays the matches.

WDG ExcelStyleFiltering Overview 1.png

The user selects the filtering criteria in a filtering drop-down. The values in the drop-down are the values available the column being filtered. Once the user commits their choice with the OK button, the request to the server is made and the filtered subset of data is received and rendered.

Excel-Style Filtering Options

Excel-style filtering options summary chart

The following table summarizes the configurable options of the Excel-Style Filtering of the WebDataGrid™ control.

Option Description

You can specify the capitalization of values into the filtering dropdown. The available options are: lowercase capitalization, uppercase capitalization, and camelcase capitalization.

You can specify custom text for Null values in the filtering drop-down.

Unique values’ capitalization

This option can be set on two levels – on column and on whole grid. The column setting takes priority. The capitalization options are the following:

  • Lowercase capitalization (default) – the items appear in lowercase letters

  • Uppercase capitalization – the items appear in uppercase letters (all caps)

  • Camelcase capitalization – the items appear with sentence capitalization (Only the first letter of the item is capitalized.)

Lowercase capitalization Uppercase capitalization Camelcase capitalization
WDG ExcelStyleFiltering Overview 2.png
WDG ExcelStyleFiltering Overview 3.png
WDG ExcelStyleFiltering Overview 4.png

Configurable text for the Null values

You can configure custom text to be displayed in the filtering drop-down for cells with Null values. This custom value is only for the item’s text in the drop-down and is not committed to the data source. In the following screenshot, the Null value is set to Custom Null Text .

WDG ExcelStyleFiltering Overview 5.png

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides reference about the properties that are specific to the Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebDataGrid control.

This topic explains how to configure the Excel-Style Filtering options of the WebDataGrid control.

This topic provides reference information about the properties that are specific to the Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebDataGrid control.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

Sample Purpose

This sample demonstrates the Excel-Style Filtering’s ` UniqueValueCasing` property.

This sample demonstrates Excel- Style Filtering with Bound and Unbound fields as well as with Bound and Unbound checkboxes.

This sample demonstrates h the ` NullValueText` property of the Excel Style Filtering, setting the string to Null .

This sample demonstrates Excel-Style Filtering with editing.