
EditingCore class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by EditingCore.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorEditingCore Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyaddedRowsReturns an array of rows that have been added and not yet commited to the server.  
Public PropertybehaviorsGets child behavior collection.  
Public PropertydeletedRowsReturns an array of rows that have been deleted and not yet commited to the server.  
Public PropertyeditedRowsReturns an array of rows that have been edited and not yet commited to the server.  
Public PropertyelementReturns the element assoicated with the item.  
Public Propertyevents  
Public Propertyid  
Public PropertyisInitialized  
Public PropertyisUpdating  
Public PropertynameGets the name of the behavior.  
Public Methods
Public MethodbeginUpdate  
Public MethodclearBatchUpdatesUndoes the batch updates on all rows  
Public MethodcommitCommits all of the changes to the server.  
Public MethoddisposeFor internal use.  
Public MethodendUpdate  
Public MethodgetEditingOnGets flag which represents current editing behavior in progress with option to exit edit mode.  
Public Methodinitialize  
Public MethodraisePropertyChanged  
Public MethodundoBatchUpdateUndoes the last batch update operation on a row.  
Public Methodupdated  
Public Events
Public Eventdisposing  
Public EventpropertyChanged  
See Also