
SummaryRow class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SummaryRow.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSummaryRow Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyanimationDurationMsThe duration of the animation that the summary dropdown will play while its displaying or hiding in milliseconds Animation duration in milliseconds  
Public PropertyanimationEnabledIndicates whether the summary dropdown will play an animation while it is displaying and hiding True if an animation will play, false otherwise  
Public PropertyanimationTypeThe type of animation that the summary dropdown will play when it is displaying and hiding. The animation type  
Public PropertycolumnSettingGets the column summary setting object at the specified index. The summary row column setting at the specified index  
Public PropertycolumnSettingFromKeyGets the column summary setting object that is tied to the column with the specified column key. The summary row column setting tied to the specified column key  
Public PropertycolumnSettingsGets the column summaries settings collection column summaries settings collection  
Public PropertycolumnSummaryInfoGets the ColumnSummaryInfo object at the specified index. The ColumnSummaryInfo at the specified index  
Public PropertycolumnSummaryInfoCountGets the number of ColumnSummaryInfo objects that currently exist. The number of ColumnSummaryInfo objects that currently exist  
Public PropertycolumnSummaryInfoFromKeyGets the ColumnSummaryInfo object that is tied to the column with the specified column key. The ColumnSummaryInfo tied to the specified column key  
Public PropertycolumnSummaryInfoIndexOfGets the index of the specified column summary in the column summaries array Zero based index  
Public PropertyelementReturns the element assoicated with the item.  
Public Propertyevents  
Public Propertyid  
Public PropertyisInitialized  
Public PropertyisUpdating  
Public PropertynameGets the name of the behavior.  
Public PropertyshowSummariesButtonsGet whether the summary buttons are shown in the header.  
Public PropertysummaryDropdownZIndexRetruns the Z-Index of the summary dropdown element. The default Z-Index is 100100 Z-Index of the summary dropdown element.  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddColumnSummaryInfoAdds the column summary object to the column summaries' collection  
Public MethodaddColumnSummaryInfoRangeAdds the column summary objects to the column summaries' collection  
Public MethodbeginUpdate  
Public MethodclearColumnSummariesDeletes all column summary info objects from the column summaries array  
Public MethodcontainsColumnSummaryInfoDetermines whether a column summary object that is tied to the column with the specified column key is in the column summaries array.  
Public Methodcreate_columnSummaryInfoCreates a column summary info object. Viewstate will not be preserved for this object until it is added to the column summaries' collection  
Public MethoddisposeThis method is called by the framework, when the grid unloads. This is where the summary row behavior removes all the event handlers that it had attached.  
Public MethodendUpdate  
Public MethodgetEditingOnGets flag which represents current editing behavior in progress with option to exit edit mode.  
Public Methodinitialize  
Public MethodraisePropertyChanged  
Public MethodremoveColumnSummaryInfoDeletes the column summary from the column summaries array  
Public MethodremoveColumnSummaryInfoByKeyDeletes the column summary that is tied to the specified column key from the column summaries array  
Public Methodupdated  
Public Events
Public Eventdisposing  
Public EventpropertyChanged  
See Also