
Disabling Auto-Checking in WebDataTree

WebDataTree™ allows you to disable auto-checking of checkbox tree nodes. For example, when an end-user checks a child node in WebDataTree, its parent node (if unchecked) becomes partially checked (TriState CheckBoxMode) or fully checked (if all the child nodes are checked) or if a parent node is checked, all its child nodes are also checked. However with the disable auto-checking feature you can stop the tree nodes from being checked for those scenarios in which this behavior is not needed. You can achieve this by simply setting the EnableAutoChecking property to False. By default, this property is set to True.

In Visual Basic:

WebDataTree1.EnableAutoChecking = false

In C#:

WebDataTree1.EnableAutoChecking = false;

In JavaScript:

images\WebDataTree Disabling Auto Checking for WebDataTree 01.png