
Node class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Node.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorNode Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyactiveCssClassReturns the activeCssClass used for this node.  
Public PropertyanchorElementReturns a reference to the Anchor Html Element associated with this node.  
Public PropertycheckStateGets the current CheckBoxState of the Node. 0-Unchecked, 1-Checked, 2-Partial.  
Public PropertychildNodeReturns the child node at the index specified if it exists. Null is returned otherwise.  
Public PropertychildrenCountReturns the subnodes count.  
Public PropertycssClassReturns the cssClass used for this node.  
Public PropertydisabledCssClassReturns the disabledCssClass used for this node.  
Public PropertyeditableGets this item's editable state. 0-will use the parent tree's node editing setting, 1-off, 2-on.  
Public PropertyexpandedReturns a boolean value which indicates true if the node is currently expanded, false otherwise.  
Public PropertyhoverCssClassReturns the hoverCssClass used for this node.  
Public PropertylevelReturns the current node level. 0 means root level element.  
Public PropertynavigateUrlReturns the url associated with the Node object. When the node is clicked, the Url will be activated.  
Public PropertynextNodeReturns the next sibling node of this node. If this is the last node in the collection, null is returned.  
Public PropertynextVisibleNodeReturns the next visible sibling node of this node. If this is the last visible node in the collection, null is returned.  
Public PropertyparentNodeReturns the parend node of this node. If this is a root node will return null.  
Public PropertypreviousNodeReturns the previous sibling node of this node. If this is the first node in the collection, null is returned.  
Public PropertypreviousVisibleNodeReturns the previous visible sibling node of this node. If this is the first visible node in the collection, null is returned.  
Public PropertyselectedCssClassReturns the selectedCssClass used for this node.  
Public PropertystyleElementReturns a reference to the Html Element that will be styled.  
Public PropertytargetReturns the target frame associated with the Node object. The target is used in conjunction with the NavigateUrl property. The target identifies the Frame or IFrame within the page that has the same corresponding Name attribute as the Target property.  
Public PropertytextElementReturns a reference to the Html Element that contains the text of the node.  
Public PropertyvisibleReturns true if all parent of this node are expanded and the node is visible.  
Public Methods
Public MethodcollapseSiblingsThis will collapse all sibling nodes. If they are currently animating expanded, the animation is stopped and reversed.  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes the object and all of its children.  
Public MethodhasChildrenReturns a boolean value which indicates whether or not this node has any child nodes beneath it.  
Public MethodisAfterChecks if this node instance is after the passed as a parameter node.  
Public MethodremoveRemoves the node from the parent node nodes collection  
Public MethodtoggleChanges the Expanded state of the node to the opposite value from what it is currently. If the node is expanded, then it will be collapsed. If the node is collapsed, it will be expanded.  
See Also