
WebDialogWindow Smart Tag

In Visual Studio 2005/2008 (.NET Framework 2.0/3.5), each Ultimate UI for ASP.NET control/component is equipped with a Smart Tag. By simply selecting the control/component, a Smart Tag anchor appears. When you click this anchor, a pop-up panel appears, providing you with quick and easy access to the most common properties and settings of the control/component.

See the table below for a description of each item (e.g., field, drop-down list, checkbox) in the smart tag, as well as the item’s corresponding property in the properties window.

Item Description Corresponding Property


Selecting this check box will minimize the dialog window in the design-time editor. This property is only available at design time.



Deselecting this check box will prevent your end user from moving the dialog window.


Selecting this check box will allow your end user to resize the dialog window.


Selecting this check box will turn the dialog window into a modal dialog box.


Select from the drop-down list whether you want the dialog window to be visible, minimized, maximized, or hidden when the page first loads.


Choose Centered from the drop-down list if you would like the dialog window to always appear in the center of the web page.

Close Button

Selecting this check box will display the close button to the right of the header area.

Minimize Button

Selecting this check box will display the minimize button to the right of the header area.

Maximize Button

Selecting this check box will display the maximize button to the right of the header area.