
ResizeBehavior class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ResizeBehavior.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorResizeBehavior Constructor  
Public Fields
Public Fieldenabled  
Public Properties
Public PropertyhandleClassGets sets name of css class used for handle element as String.  
Public PropertyhandleImageGets sets value of src used for IMG displayed on handle element as String.  
Public PropertyinitializeInitializes instance of ResizeBehavior.  
Public PropertymaximumHeightGets sets maximum height of target in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertymaximumWidthGets sets maximum width of target in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertyminimumHeightGets sets minimum height of target in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertyminimumWidthGets sets minimum width of target in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertymouseoutGets sets name of function which is called on mouseout events. Note: set method is available only while initialization.  
Public PropertymouseoverGets sets name of function which is called on mouseover events. Note: set method is available only while initialization.  
Public PropertyoffsetBottomGets offset of bottom edge of handle in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertyoffsetLeftGets offset of left edge of handle in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertyoffsetRightGets offset of right edge of handle in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertyoffsetTopGets offset of top edge of handle in pixels as Number.  
Public PropertypairsInternal use only.  
Public PropertyparentTypeGets sets type of resizing as Number. Possible values: 2 - internal, 0 - external. Note: set method is available only while initialization.  
Public PropertyresizeGets sets name of function which is called after resize events. Note: set method is available only while initialization.  
Public PropertyresizeBorderGets sets thickness of border around target element in pixels as Number. It can be null.  
Public PropertyresizingGets sets name of function which is called before resize events. Note: set method is available only while initialization.  
Public PropertytoolTipGets sets tooltip for handle element. The set method may have 2nd param as true: do not adjust server state.  
Public Methods
Public MethoddisposeDisposes object and its event handlers.  
Public MethodgetFrameElementGets reference to target-frame html element.  
Public MethodgetHandleElementGets reference to handle html element.  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes instance of ResizeBehavior.  
Public MethodsetSizeSets new size for target.  
Public Events
Public EventmouseoutAdds function which is called on mouseout events.  
Public EventmouseoverAdds function which is called on mouseover events.  
Public EventresizeAdds function which is called after resize events.  
Public EventresizingAdds function which is called before resize events.  
See Also