
WebDialogWindow class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebDialogWindow.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebDialogWindow Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertycontentPaneGets reference to Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutPane.Reference to content pane.  
Public PropertyenabledChecks if control is enabled.True: dialog is enabled  
Public PropertyheaderGets reference to Infragistics.Web.UI.Header or null.Reference to header.  
Public PropertyheightGets sets height of dialog as String. It can be pixels or percents.Height of control in units  
Public PropertyinitialLocationGets sets the initial location of WebDialogWindow relative to window of browser.Value of 0 means manual, value of 1 means centered.  
Public PropertyleftGets sets location of left edge of dialog as String. The set method may have optional second param: true means do not adjust appearance.Left of control in units  
Public PropertymaintainLocationOnScrollGets sets the ability to keep relative location of dialog while window is resized or scrolled.True: location of dialog is kept relative while scroll.  
Public PropertymoveableGets sets the ability to drag control by mouse as Boolean.True: control can be dragged by mouse  
Public PropertyresizerGets reference to Infragistics.Web.UI.ResizeBehavior if resizing is enabled.Reference to resizer.  
Public PropertytopGets sets location of top edge of dialog as String. The set method may have optional second param: true means do not adjust appearance.Top of control in units  
Public PropertywidthGets sets width of dialog as String. It can be pixels or percents.Width of control in units  
Public PropertywindowStateGets sets the current state of dialog as Number. Value corresponds to WindowState enum on server. The set method may contain second param: true means request to raise client event. One of constants defined in Infragistics.Web.UI.DialogWindowState.  
Public Methods
Public MethodcanResizeChecks if control can be resized.  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes object and event handlers.  
Public MethodfindFinds WebDialogWindow by its client ID.  
Public MethodfindChildFind html element which id ends-up with "id".  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebDialogWindow type.  
Public MethodgetBodyImplementation of LayoutManager. Internal use only.  
Public MethodgetClientHeightImplementation of LayoutManager. Internal use only.  
Public MethodgetClientWidthImplementation of LayoutManager. Internal use only.  
Public MethodgetLayoutManagerImplementation of LayoutManager. Internal use only.  
Public MethodhideHides the WebDialogWindow by adjusting the WindowState to $IG.DialogWindowState.Hidden  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes instance of WebDialogWindow.  
Public MethodonResizeImplementation of IResizable. Internal use only.  
Public MethodsetSizeSets width and height of dialog.  
Public MethodshowDisplays the WebDialogWindow by adjusting the WindowState to $IG.DialogWindowState.Normal  
See Also