
Disabling Drop-Down Items

WebDropDown™ allows individual items to be disabled. For instance, you may not want the end-users to select or activate particular items in the drop-down container. You may even want to avoid auto-filtering on certain items. This functionality can be achieved by setting the DropDownItem object’s Disabled property.

To disable individual drop-down items:

  1. Place a ScriptManger component and a WebDropDown control on the form and leave their default names.

  2. Add items to WebDropDown by creating an instance of DropDownItem and add it to the Items collection using the Add method.

In Visual Basic:

Dim india As New DropDownItem()india.Text = "India"WebDropDown1.Items.Add(india)Dim usa As New DropDownItem()usa.Text = "U.S.A"WebDropDown1.Items.Add(usa)Dim singapore As New DropDownItem()singapore.Text = "Singapore"WebDropDown1.Items.Add(singapore)Dim bulgaria As New DropDownItem()bulgaria.Text = "Bulgaria"WebDropDown1.Items.Add(bulgaria)

In C#:

DropDownItem india = new DropDownItem();india.Text = "India";WebDropDown1.Items.Add(india);DropDownItem usa = new DropDownItem();usa.Text = "U.S.A";WebDropDown1.Items.Add(usa);DropDownItem Singapore = new DropDownItem();Singapore.Text = "Singapore";WebDropDown1.Items.Add(Singapore);DropDownItem Bulgaria = new DropDownItem();Bulgaria.Text = "Bulgaria";WebDropDown1.Items.Add(Bulgaria);
  1. Disable the singapore drop-down item by setting its Disabled property to true.

In Visual Basic:

singapore.Disabled = True

In C#:

singapore.Disabled = true;
  1. Save and run the application. You will see that you can neither select nor activate the singapore item.

images\WebDropDown Disabling Drop Down Items 01.png