
Lazy Loading

WebDropDown™ supports the lazy loading feature, which allows you to provide data to the WebDropDown control when the end-user tries to open the drop-down container or when they try to type into the value display. This feature greatly improves the performance of your application, especially when you have many WebDropDown controls on a page.

To use the lazy loading feature in WebDropDown:

  1. From the Visual Studio® Toolbox, drag and drop a ScriptManager component, a WebDropDown control and a SqlDataSource component onto the form.

  2. Configure the SqlDataSource to retrieve the Products table of the Northwind database.

  3. Add the following code to the WebDropDown control’s ItemsRequested server-side event so that WebDropDown binds to the SqlDataSource:

In Visual Basic:

        WebDropDown1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1
        WebDropDown1.TextField = "ProductName"

In C#:

        WebDropDown1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
        WebDropDown1.TextField = "ProductName";

TextField property must be set to the column name you wish to display in the WebDropDown control.

  1. Add the following code to your Page Load event handler in order to implement the WebDropDown control’s ValueChanging and DropDownOpening client-side events:

In Visual Basic:

        WebDropDown1.ClientEvents.DropDownOpening =  "WebDropDown_DropDownOpening"
        WebDropDown1.ClientEvents.ValueChanging = "WebDropDown_ValueChanging"

In C#:

        WebDropDown1.ClientEvents.DropDownOpening = "WebDropDown_DropDownOpening";
        WebDropDown1.ClientEvents.ValueChanging = "WebDropDown_ValueChanging";

In JavaScript:

      // The client event ‘DropDownOpening’ takes two parameters sender and e
      // sender is the object which is raising the event
      // e is the DropDownContainerEventArgs
      function WebDropDown_DropDownOpening(sender, e) {
            //Gets reference to the WebDropDown control
            var wdd = $find("WebDropDown1");
       // The client event ‘ValueChanging’ takes two parameters sender and e
       // sender is the object which is raising the event
       // e is the DropDownEditEventArgs
       function WebDropDown_ValueChanging(sender, e) {
            //Gets reference to the WebDropDown control
            var wdd = $find("WebDropDown1");

In the above code, the loadItems method in the DropDownOpening client-side event fires the ItemsRequested server-side whenever the end-user clicks the drop-down button. Similarly, the loadItems method in the ValueChanging client-side event fires the ItemsRequested server-side event when the end-user starts typing in the value display. As soon as the ItemsRequested event fires the WebDropDown control binds to the Sql data source.