
ExplorerBarItem class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ExplorerBarItem.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorExplorerBarItem Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyactiveCssClassGet the active CSS class applied to this item.  
Public PropertyanchorElementGet a reference to the Anchor Html Element associated with this item.  
Public PropertychildItemGet the child item at the specified index.  
Public PropertychildrenCountGet the number of children.  
Public PropertycssClassGet the CSS class applied to this item.  
Public PropertydisabledCssClassGet the disabled CSS class applied to this item.  
Public PropertyelementGet the DOM Element associated with this item.  
Public PropertyenabledGet whether the item is enabled.  
Public PropertyexpandedGet whether the item is expanded.  
Public PropertyhoverCssClassGet the hover CSS class applied to this item.  
Public PropertynavigateUrlGet the url associated with the item. When the item is clicked, the Url will be activated.  
Public PropertynextItemGet the next sibling item of this item. If this is the last item in the collection, null is returned.  
Public PropertyparentItemGet the parend item of this item. If this item is at the top of the item hierarchy, null is returned.  
Public PropertypreviousItemGet the previous sibling item of this item. If this is the first item in the collection, null is returned.  
Public PropertyselectedGet whether the item is selected.  
Public PropertyselectedCssClassGet the selected CSS class applied to this item.  
Public PropertytargetGet the target frame associated with the item. The target is used in conjunction with the NavigateUrl property. The target identifies the Frame or IFrame within the page that has the same corresponding Name attribute as the Target property.  
Public PropertytextGets the text content of an item within the explorer bar.  
Public PropertytextElementGets a reference to the Html Element that contains the text of the item.  
Public PropertyvalueGet the value of an ExplorerBarItem.  
Public PropertyvisibleGet whether the item is visible or not.  
Public Methods
Public MethodgetItemsGet the collection that contains children of the current item.  
Public MethodgetSiblingsGet the collection that contains the current item.  
Public MethodhasChildrenGet whether the item has children.  
Public MethodtoggleChanges the Expanded state of the item to the opposite value from what it is currently. If the item is expanded, then it will be collapsed. If the item is collapsed, it will be expanded.  
See Also