
Move the Bar Marker Automatically

This topic explains how you can configure the bar marker on your Linear gauge to move automatically. For example, if you created a Linear gauge to represent a thermometer, you could configure the mercury level to rise and fall, simulating a real thermometer.

This topic assumes that you already created a Linear gauge. For information on how to create a gauge, see Getting Started with WebGauge.

To move the needle marker automatically on your gauge:

  1. In the Properties window, set the RefreshInterval property to 10 seconds. This fires an AsyncRefresh event on the server at each of these intervals.

  2. The following example code accesses the needle marker on your Linear gauge and increases the value by 5.

In Visual Basic:

Protected Sub UltraGauge1_AsyncRefresh(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGauge.RefreshEventArgs) _
  Handles UltraGauge1.AsyncRefresh
	Dim gauge As LinearGauge = Me.UltraGauge1.Gauges(0)
	Dim marker As LinearGaugeMarker = gauge.Scales(0).Markers(0)
	Dim value As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(marker.Value)
	marker.Value = value + 5
End Sub

In C#:

protected void UltraGauge1_AsyncRefresh(object sender,
  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGauge.RefreshEventArgs e)
	LinearGauge gauge = this.UltraGauge1.Gauges[0] as LinearGauge;
	LinearGaugeMarker marker = gauge.Scales[0].Markers[0];
	int value = Convert.ToInt32(marker.Value);
	marker.Value = value+5;
  1. Save and run the application.