
WebHtmlEditor Designer (Languages Tab)

With the Languages tab, you can change which localization file is used by WebHtmlEditor™ at run time for rendering labels, ToolTips, and static text. You can also specify a custom language file in this tab.

WebHtmlEditor Using the Property Builder of WebHtmlEditor 13.jpg

When you change the language for WebHtmlEditor, this changes all of the default text values. Therefore, if you have already specified any text for WebHtmlEditor’s string-typed properties your changes will be lost (overwritten by the text value in the new language.)

If you forget, a prominent advisory label reminds you that you should choose a language before setting other string-typed properties.

If you wish to support a language other than the built-in ones (see Multi-Language Support for an up-to-date list) you must copy and localize one of the existing localization files as a custom localization file. This is easy to do since the localization files are only text-based XML documents that can be edited with any editor, including WebHtmlEditor. For more information, see Creating and Using a Custom Language File.