
Scroll Animation Types

The WebImageViewer’s™ ScrollAnimation object allows you to configure the behavior that occurs whenever you navigate through the WebImageViewer.

There are three different types of scroll animation:


When the Type property on the ScrollAnimations object is set to this value, the image viewer will scroll continuously while the Next/Previous buttons are held down.

The following properties can be set:

  • EquationType  — Specifies the equation type of the animation (e.g., EaseOut, EaseIn and Linear).

  • Duration  — Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, it will take for the animation to reach its maximum speed.

  • MaxSpeed  — Specifies the speed of the animation.


When the Type property on the ScrollAnimations object is set to this value, clicking the Next or Previous button will cause the images to scroll and snap to the next image. In other words, clicking the Next button will cause the list to scroll and then stop as soon as the next image is fully visible.

The following properties can be set:

  • EquationType  — Specifies the equation type of the animation (e.g., EaseOut, EaseIn and Linear).

  • Duration  — Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, it will take for the next image to scroll into alignment.

  • Alignment  — Specifies the alignment for the next image (i.e., Near, Center and Far).


When the Type property on the ScrollAnimations object is set to this value, clicking the Next or Previous button will cause all of the currently visible images to scroll by and the next or previous set of images in the list will be shown. This functionality is similar to the typical “Paging” metaphor that we are used to in order to split up large data collections.

The following properties can be set:

  • EquationType - Specifies the equation type of the animation (e.g., EaseOut, EaseIn and Linear).

  • Duration - Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, it will take for the next page to scroll into view.