
Day Name Formats in WebMonthCalendar

WebMonthCalendar™ provides you with different display formats for the days of the week. You can set the display format for the days of the week by simply setting the control’s DayNameFormat property to one of the following options:

  • Full — The days of the week are displayed in full format. For example, Monday.

  • Short — The days of the week are displayed in with the first three letters. For example, Thu.

  • FirstLetter — The days of the week are displayed with just the first letter in upper case. For example, S.

  • FirstTwoLetters — The days of the week are displayed with the first two letters. For example, Sa.

  • Shortest — The days of the week are displayed with just the first letter in lower case. For example, f.

You can set the DayNameFormat property either by using the Microsoft® Visual Studio® Property Window or by using the following code:

In Visual Basic:

WebMonthCalendar1.DayNameFormat = DayNameFormat.Full

In C#:

WebMonthCalendar1.DayNameFormat = DayNameFormat.Full;
WebMonthCalendar Day Name Formats in WebMonthCalendar 01.png