
WebRating class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebRating.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebRating Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyaverageGets the Average property of the control.  
Public PropertyenableAnimationsGets the EnableAnimations property of the control.  
Public PropertyenableContinuousSelectionGets the EnableContinuousSelection property of the control.  
Public PropertyenabledGets the Enabled property of the control.  
Public PropertyenableFocusOnClickGets whether to apply browser focus to the rating on click  
Public PropertyenableHtml5RenderingGets the EnableHtml5Rendering property of the control.  
Public PropertyenableShowSelectionOnHoverGets the SelectionOnHover property of the control.  
Public PropertyexactKeyboardChangeReturns client-only property for how much of a change is caused when exact precision is used. Default is approximately 1 pixel (1 / critical length).  
Public PropertyfillDirectionGets the FillDirection property of the control.  
Public PropertyhoverAnimationDurationReturns client-only property for duration of hover animations. Default is 400.  
Public PropertyimageHeightGets the height of the images.  
Public PropertyimageWidthGets the width of the images.  
Public PropertyitemCountReturns the number of items in the rating, custom or regular.  
Public PropertymaximumValueGets the maximum value possible for the rating.  
Public PropertyminimumValueGets the minimum custom value of the rating, if it were empty.  
Public PropertyorientationGets the Orientation property of the control.  
Public PropertyprecisionGets the Precision property of the control.  
Public PropertyratingImageReturns the object representing how plain images are displayed.  
Public PropertyreadOnlyGets the ReadOnly property of the control.  
Public PropertyvalueGets the Value property of the control.  
Public PropertyvoteCountGets the VoteCount property of the control.  
Public Methods
Public Methoddispose  
Public MethodfindFinds WebRating by its client ID.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebRating type.  
Public Methodinitialize  
See Also