
WebScheduleGenericDataProvider Smart Tag

Each Ultimate UI for ASP.NET control/component is equipped with a Smart Tag. By simply selecting the control/component, a Smart Tag anchor appears. When you click this anchor, a pop-up panel appears, providing you with quick and easy access to the most common properties and settings of the control/component.

The WebScheduleGenericDataProvider™ Smart Tag contains the following sections:

  • Actions — Lets you perform common tasks (i.e., accessing the Quick Designer).

  • Properties — Provides quick access to common properties.

See below for a description of the item (e.g., field, drop-down list, checkbox) in each section.

WebScheduleGenericDataProvider WebScheduleGenericDataProvider Smart Tag 01.png
Actions Description CorrespondingProperty

Quick Design

Click Quick Design to access the WebScheduleGenericDataProvider Designer. This is the same functionality as if you right-clicked on the control and selected Quick Design from the context menu.


Properties Description CorrespondingProperty


Use the drop-down box to select a WebScheduleInfo to associate with WebScheduleGenericDataProvider.


Use the drop-down box to select a data source control to bind to for Activity data.


Use the drop-down box to select a data source control to bind to for Variance data.


Use the drop-down box to select a data source control to bind to for Resource data.