
Set WebSlider’s Track Behavior

You can control how WebSlider™ behaves when your end users single-click or double-click the track. WebSlider’s thumb can either move to the clicked point, or do nothing.

You can control the track’s behavior by setting the appropriate properties:

  • ClickAction  — On a click, the thumb will move to the clicked point by setting the ClickAction property to MoveToPoint.

  • DoubleClickAction  — On a double-click, the thumb can move to the clicked point by setting the DoubleClickAction property to MoveToPoint.

The following example code demonstrates how to move the thumb on a mouse click.

In Visual Basic:

Me.WebSlider1.Track.ClickAction = _

In C#:

this.WebSlider1.Track.ClickAction = Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls.SliderTrackClickAction.MoveToPoint;