
SplitterBarPositionEventArgs class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SplitterBarPositionEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertynextPaneGets reference to SplitterPane located on right side from horizontal splitter bar or below vertical splitter bar.Reference to splitter pane  
Public PropertynextPaneNewSizeGets new size of SplitterPane returned by get_nextPane().Size of splitter pane  
Public PropertynextPaneOldSizeGets initial size of SplitterPane returned by get_nextPane().Size of splitter pane  
Public PropertyprevPaneGets reference to SplitterPane located on left side from horizontal splitter bar or above vertical splitter bar.Reference to splitter pane  
Public PropertyprevPaneNewSizeGets new size of SplitterPane returned by get_prevPane().Size of splitter pane  
Public PropertyprevPaneOldSizeGets initial size of SplitterPane returned by get_prevPane().Size of splitter pane  
See Also