
WebSplitter class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebSplitter.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWebSplitter Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertydynamicResizeGets sets ability to dynamically resize content while splitter bar is moved by mouse.True: resize is enabled  
Public PropertyorientationGets orientation of splitter bars.Value of 0 represents vertical orientation, and value of 1 - horizontal.  
Public PropertypanesGets reference to collection of splitter panes. Returns array.Array of splitter panes  
Public PropertyresizeWithBrowserGets ability to automatically resize WebSplitter when browser is resized.True: resize is enabled  
Public PropertysplitterBarCssGets name of css class used for splitter bars.Name of css  
Public PropertysplitterBarHoverCssGets sets name of additional css class applied to splitter bar when mouse is moved of it.Name of css  
Public PropertysplitterBarPressedCssGets sets name of additional css class applied to splitter bar when mouse is pressed on it.Name of css  
Public PropertysplitterBarShadowCssGets sets name of css class applied to splitter bar when it is moved by mouse and DynamicResize is disabled.Name of css  
Public PropertysplitterBarShadowLimitCssGets sets name of css class applied to splitter bar when it was moved by mouse to its limit and DynamicResize is disabled.Name of css  
Public PropertysplitterBarThicknessCssGets name of css class applied to splitter bar containers which define thickness of splitter bars.Name of css  
Public Methods
Public MethoddisposeDisposes object and event handlers.  
Public MethodfindFinds WebSplitter by its client ID.  
Public MethodfromCasts passed in object to the WebSplitter type.  
Public MethodgetLayoutManagerGets reference to LayoutManager located at index (LayoutPane which defines bounds of its children).  
Public MethodgetPaneAtGets reference to SplitterPane at particular index.  
Public MethodgetPaneFromElementGets reference to SplitterPane which is related to html element located on splitter bar.  
Public MethodgetPaneFromEventGets reference to SplitterPane which is related to browser event in splitter bar.  
Public MethodinitializeInitializes instance of WebSplitter.  
Public MethodlayoutPerforms layout of panes. If that function is called before first painting, then action may fail.  
Public MethodtoggleToggles collapsed state of SplitterPane. Note: that function has effect only control was at least once painted.  
See Also