
Providing Credentials to Data Sources


The Server SDK allows you to pass in a set of credentials to be used when accessing the data source.


The first step is to implement IRVAuthenticationProvider and return it as the AuthenticationProvider property in IRevealSdkContext, as shown below.

public class EmbedAuthenticationProvider : IRVAuthenticationProvider
    public Task<IRVDataSourceCredential> ResolveCredentialsAsync(string userId, RVDashboardDataSource dataSource)
            IRVDataSourceCredential userCredential = null;
            if (dataSource is RVPostgresDataSource)
                userCredential = new RVUsernamePasswordDataSourceCredential("postgresuser", "password");
            else if (dataSource is RVSqlServerDataSource)
                userCredential = new RVUsernamePasswordDataSourceCredential("sqlserveruser", "password", "domain");
            else if (dataSource is RVGoogleDriveDataSource)
                userCredential = new RVBearerTokenDataSourceCredential("fhJhbUci0mJSUzi1nIiSint....", "");
            else if (dataSource is RVRestDataSource)
                userCredential = new RVUsernamePasswordDataSourceCredential(); // Anonymous
            return Task.FromResult<IRVDataSourceCredential>(userCredential);

Choosing Which Class to Implement

There are two classes that can be used, both implementing the IRVDataSourceCredential interface. You need to choose the class depending on your data source, as detailed below.

  • Class RVBearerTokenDataSourceCredential works with:

    • Analytics tools (Google Analytics).

    • Content Managers and Cloud Services (Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and SharePoint Online).

  • Class RVUsernamePasswordDataSourceCredential works with:

    • Customer Relationship Managers (Microsoft Dynamics CRM On-Premises and Online)

    • Databases (Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Analysis Services Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase)

  • Both classes work with:

    • Other Data Sources (OData Feed, Web Resources, REST API).

No Authentication

Sometimes you might work with an anonymous resource, without authentication. In this particular case, you can use RVUsernamePasswordDataSourceCredential, which has an empty constructor. You can do this for any data source that works with the class.

Code snippet to be used with the sample above:

else if (dataSource is RVRESTDataSource)
     userCredential = new RVUsernamePasswordDataSourceCredential();