
Replacing Data Sources


Before loading and processing the data for a dashboard (by Reveal SDK), you can override the configuration or data to be used for each visualization of the dashboard.

One of the properties to implement in RevealView is:

public IRVDataSourceProvider DataSourceProvider { get; set; }

A class implementing the interface IRVDataSourceProvider may replace or modify the data source used by a given visualization or dashboard filter.

Use Cases

Below you can find a list of common use cases:

  • You can change the name of the database being used, depending on the current user, or any other attributes your app might get like userId, division, company, customer, etc. By doing this, you can have a single dashboard getting data from a multi-tenant database.

  • You can change the name of the table being used, the path of the file to load, etc. The use case is similar to the one described above.

  • You can replace a data source with an in-memory data source. As the Reveal App doesn’t support in-memory data sources, you can design a dashboard using a CSV file and then use this callback to replace the CSV data source with an in-memory one. In this scenario, data is actually loaded from memory (or with your custom data loader). For further details about how to use in-memory data sources, refer to In-Memory Data Support.


The following code snippet shows an example of how to replace the data source for visualizations in the dashboard. The method ChangeVisualizationDataSourceItemAsync will be invoked for every visualization, on every single dashboard being opened.

public class SampleDataSourceProvider : IRVDataSourceProvider
        public Task<RVDataSourceItem> ChangeDashboardFilterDataSourceItemAsync(
             RVDashboardFilter globalFilter, RVDataSourceItem dataSourceItem)
            return Task.FromResult<RVDataSourceItem>(null);

   public Task<RVDataSourceItem> ChangeVisualizationDataSourceItemAsync(
        RVVisualization visualization, RVDataSourceItem dataSourceItem)
      var sqlServerDsi = dataSourceItem as RVSqlServerDataSourceItem;
      if (sqlServerDsi != null)
          // Change SQL Server host and database
          var sqlServerDS = (RVSqlServerDataSource)sqlServerDsi.DataSource;
          sqlServerDS.Host = "";
          sqlServerDS.Database = "Adventure Works";

          // Change SQL Server table/view
          sqlServerDsi.Table = "Employees";
                return Task.FromResult((RVDataSourceItem)sqlServerDsi);

      // Fully replace a data source item with a new one
      if (visualization.Title == "Top Customers")
          var sqlDs = new RVSqlServerDataSource();
          sqlDs.Host = "salesdb.local";
          sqlDs.Database = "Sales";

          var sqlDsi = new RVSqlServerDataSourceItem(sqlDs);
          sqlServerDsi.Table = "Customers";

          return Task.FromResult((RVDataSourceItem)sqlServerDsi);

In the example above, the following two replacements will be performed:

  • All data sources using a MS SQL Server database will be changed to use the hardcoded server “”, the “Adventure Works” database, and the “Employees” table.

    Note: This is a simplified scenario, replacing all visualizations to get data from the same table makes no sense as a real world scenario. In real-world applications, you’re probably going to use additional information like userId, dashboardId, or the values in the data source itself (server, database, etc.) to infer the new values to be used.

  • All widgets with the title “Top Customers” will have their data source set to a new SQL Server data source, getting data from the “Sales” database in the “salesdb.local” server, using the table “Customers”.

Please note that in addition to implement IRVDataSourceProvider, you need to set your implementation in the DataSourceProvider property of RevealView:

revealView.DataSourceProvider = new SampleDataSourceProvider();