
Setting up Dynamic Filter Selections


Sometimes your application will integrate a custom UI, to present the user with a list of values to select. And you might want that user selection to be synchronized with a filter in the dashboard.

For example, you can have a Sales dashboard that changes figures based on the current Territory and a custom UI to select the Territory. After the user selection changes, you’d want the Sales dashboard to reflect that change. Most of the times, you would hide the filter selection normally displayed in the dashboard. This way the user won’t be confused with two different ways to change the Territory in the screen.

In the following code snippet, you’ll find details about how to achieve the described scenario:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var dashboardId = 'Sales';
    var revealSettings = new $.ig.RevealSettings(dashboardId);

    $.ig.RevealUtility.loadDashboard(dashboardId, function (dashboard) {
        revealSettings.dashboard = dashboard;
        revealSettings.showFilters = false;

        window.revealView = new $.ig.RevealView("#revealView", revealSettings);
    }, function (error) {
    function setSelectedTerritory(territory) {
        var filter = window.revealView.dashboard.getFilterByTitle('Territory');
        window.revealView.setFilterSelectedValues(filter, [territory]);

<section style="display:grid;grid-template-rows:30px auto;">
    <section style="display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto;">
        <button onclick="setSelectedTerritory('Americas')">Americas</button>
        <button onclick="setSelectedTerritory('APAC')">APAC</button>
        <button onclick="setSelectedTerritory('EMEA')">EMEA</button>
        <button onclick="setSelectedTerritory('India')">India</button>
        <button onclick="setSelectedTerritory('Japan')">Japan</button>
    <div id="revealView" style="height:500px;" />

As shown above, five buttons were added at the top of the dashboard, one button for each of the territories in the dashboard: Americas, APAC, EMEA, India and Japan.

Working with Dynamic Lists

Territories like Americas, APAC, India, etc. do not change over time, but other lists of values might change. In this case, if a new Territory is added to the list, a new button will not be automatically added.

You can use $.ig.RevealUtility.getFilterValues to get the list of values for a given filter, in this case the following call will leave an array with five $.ig.RVFilterValue objects in _window.territories:

var filter = window.revealView.dashboard.getFilterByTitle('Territory');
$.ig.RevealUtility.getFilterValues(dashboard, filter, function (values) {
    window.territories = values;
}, function (error) {

You can then use the label attribute from $.ig.RVFilterValue to display the name of the territory and the _values attribute to set the selection in the filter. The following code snippet shows how to populate a ComboBox to automatically select the Territory:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var dashboardId = 'Sales';
    var revealSettings = new $.ig.RevealSettings(dashboardId);

    $.ig.RevealUtility.loadDashboard(dashboardId, function (dashboard) {
        revealSettings.dashboard = dashboard;
        revealSettings.showFilters = false;

        window.revealView = new $.ig.RevealView("#revealView", revealSettings);

        var filter = window.revealView.dashboard.getFilterByTitle('Territory');
        $.ig.RevealUtility.getFilterValues(dashboard, filter, function (values) {
            window.territories = values;
            var buttonsPanel = $('#buttonsPanel')[0];
            for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                var button = $('<button onclick="setSelectedTerritory(window.territories[' + i + '].values)">' + values[i].label + '</button>');
        }, function (error) {
    }, function (error) {
    function setSelectedTerritory(territory) {
        var filter = window.revealView.dashboard.getFilterByTitle('Territory');
        window.revealView.setFilterSelectedValues(filter, [territory]);

<section style="display:grid;grid-template-rows:30px auto;">
    <section style="display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto;" id="buttonsPanel">
    <div id="revealView" style="height:500px;" />

As shown above, the section containing the buttons is assigned with the “buttonsPanel” id. Then, JQuery is used to dynamically create the buttons and append them to the DOM document.

The variable window.territories holds the list of territories, and is later used when selecting the values in the “onclick” code for each button.