
Known Issues in 2013 Volume 2


While replaying the ToolSelectListValue action on a RadialMenuListTool or RadialMenuFontListTool in the WinRadialMenu, an “Unspecified error“(runtime error) is thrown.

This behavior is reproducible in UFT 11.52 and earlier versions.

Known Issues in 2013 Volume 2 1.png


None at this time. We are working with HP to resolve this behavior, and will likely be resolved by a future service pack for UFT.


Make sure to display the WinRadialMenu with an owner. For example, the current form that owns the control specified by the first argument of the Show() method:

In C#:

ultraRadialMenu1.Show(this, new Point(Bounds.Right, Bounds.Top));

In Visual Basic:

ultraRadialMenu1.Show(Me, New Point(Bounds.Right, Bounds.Top))