
Record Items By Index

This setting allows you to change how a supporting Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software Proxy identifies sub item’s parameters during the recording of the corresponding Ultimate UI for Windows Forms control in an application under testing(AUT).

There are two options:

  • Record a sub item by Text, which is better for readability

  • Record the item by its visible index, which is better in cases where the Text is not unique

During replay the Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software proxy will accept either value.

Record Items By Index is supported for the following Ultimate UI for Windows Forms controls:

  • WinCarousel™

  • WinCombo™

  • WinComboEditor™

  • WinExplorerBar™

  • WinListBar™

  • WinListView™

  • WinLiveTileView™

  • WinNavigationBar™

  • WinPivotGrid™

  • WinRadialMenu™

  • WinTab™

  • WinTabStrip™

  • WinTabbedMDIManager™

  • WinTilePanel™

  • WinToolbarsManager™

The default setting for Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software proxies that support this setting is Record the Items by Text.

Record Items By Index

If, for example, you have a WinExplorerBar control that is set to Record Items By Index, you will get a script similar to the following:

SwfObject("ultraExplorerBar1").SelectItem 0,2

The index in this example refers to the Visible Index not the control application’s internal indexes. The difference is that if an item is hidden or filtered such that it is not visible on the screen, it’s internal index will not change and it will not be accessible by the Visible Index.

The order of the indexed items is from left to right and top to bottom.

Record Items By Text

While recording, the same actions will result in the following script when the record setting is set to Record Items By Text:

SwfObject("ultraExplorerBar1").SelectItem "Actions","New"

If the text or items in the control are not unique, you must set the control’s record setting to Record Items By Index.

You can set this proxy setting by using the Settings Utility.

You can view its current value with any of the Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software proxies by using the GetProxySetting method during Replay.


It is not recommended that set the value by using any the Test Automation for Micro Focus Win-Forms (Unified Functional Testing) software proxies SetProxySetting method as it only sets the value temporarily during replay.