
Character Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Character.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCharacter ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyBackColorIndexGets or sets the background color index.  
Public PropertyBoldA boolean value indicating whether the text is bold.  
Public PropertyCapitalA boolean value indicating whether the text is capitalized.  
Public PropertyChangedA boolean value indicating whether any of the properties have been changed.  
Public PropertyColorIndexGets or sets the color index.  
Public PropertyFontIndexGets or sets the font index.  
Public PropertyFontSizeGets or sets the size of the font.  
Public PropertyItalicA boolean value indicating whether the text is italic.  
Public PropertyStrikeoutA boolean value indicating whether the text is strikeout.  
Public PropertySubscriptA boolean value indicating whether the subscript is active.  
Public PropertySuperscriptA boolean value indicating whether the superscript is active.  
Public PropertyUnderlineA boolean value indicating whether the underline is active.  
Public Methods
Public MethodResetResets all properties.  
See Also