
Infragistics.Olap Namespace

ClassAddFilterAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the AddFilterAsyncCompleted event.
ClassAddFilterMemberAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the AddFilterMemberAsyncCompleted event.
ClassAddMeasureAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the AddMeasureAsyncCompleted event.
ClassAsyncOperationCanceledException Thrown when an asynchronous operation has been canceled.
ClassAsyncUpdatePendingException Thrown when an asynchronous method which causes a change to the data source is called when completion of a previously requested update operation is still pending.
ClassAxisAddHierarchyAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the AxisAddHierarchyAsyncCompleted event.
ClassAxisNotFoundException Thrown when an axis name which could not be resolved is specified as an argument to a method.
ClassAxisRemoveHierarchyAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the AxisRemoveHierarchyAsyncCompleted event.
ClassCannotModifySettingsException Thrown when an attempt is made to modify a property of an InitialSettings derived class after the associated data source has been initialized.
ClassCollapseAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the CollapseAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompleted event.
ClassCubesCollection Collection class for Cube objects.
ClassDataSourceChangedEventArgs Contains information about the DataSourceChanged event.
ClassDataSourceChangingEventArgs Contains information about the DataSourceChanging event.
ClassDataSourceErrorEventArgs Contains information about the DataSourceError event.
ClassDataSourceNotInitializedException Thrown when an attempt is made to modify a data source which has not yet been initialized.
ClassExpandAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the ExpandAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompleted event.
ClassGetCubesAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the GetCubesAsyncCompleted event.
ClassGetHierarchiesAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the GetHierarchiesAsyncCompleted event.
ClassGetHierarchyMembersAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the GetHierarchyMembersAsyncCompleted event.
ClassGetMeasuresAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the GetMeasuresAsyncCompleted event.
ClassHierarchiesCollection Collection class for Hierarchy objects.
ClassHierarchyAlreadyExistsException Thrown when the AddHierarchyAsync method is called on a Hierarchy which has already been added.
ClassHierarchyEventArgs Base event args class for events which involve a Hierarchy.
ClassHierarchyMemberEventArgs Base event args class for events which involve a Hierarchy and a Measure
ClassHierarchyNotFoundException Thrown when a measure name which could not be resolved is specified as an argument to a method.
ClassInitializeAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the InitializeAsyncCompleted event.
ClassInitialSettings Class which exposes properties used to specify the initial settings for the associated data source.
ClassKeyedCollectionBase<T> Base class for keyed collections.
ClassLevelSortDirection Specifies the relation between a level and its default members sort direction.
ClassMeasureAlreadyExistsException Thrown when the AddMeasureAsync method is called on a Measure which has already been added.
ClassMeasureEventArgs Base event args class for events which involve a Measure
ClassMeasureNotFoundException Thrown when a measure name which could not be resolved is specified as an argument to a method.
ClassMeasuresCollection Collection class for Measure objects.
ClassMemberNotFoundException Thrown when a member name which could not be resolved is specified as an argument to a method.
ClassMetadataTreeItemCollectionBase<T> Base class for keyed collections which obtain data from a MetadataTreeItem
ClassOlapDataSource Base class for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) data sources.
ClassRemoveAllFilterMembersAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the RemoveAllFilterMembersAsyncCompleted event.
ClassRemoveFilterAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the RemoveFilterAsyncCompleted event.
ClassRemoveFilterMemberAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the RemoveFilterMemberAsyncCompleted event.
ClassRemoveMeasureAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the RemoveMeasureAsyncCompleted event.
ClassSetCubeAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the SetCubeAsyncCompleted event.
ClassSettingsAlreadyAssignedException Thrown when an attempt is made to modify a property of an InitialSettings derived class after the associated data source has been initialized.
ClassTupleMemberExpandedStateChangedEventArgs Base event arguments class for the TupleMemberExpanded and TupleMemberCollapsed event args classes.
ClassTupleSortDirection Specifies the relation between a tuple and its default members sort direction.
ClassUpdateAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains information about the UpdateAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateAddFilterAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AddFilterAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateAddFilterMemberAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AddFilterMemberAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateAddMeasureAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AddMeasureAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateAxisAddHierarchyAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AxisAddHierarchyAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateAxisRemoveHierarchyAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the AxisRemoveHierarchyAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateCollapseAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the CollapseAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateDataSourceChangedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the DataSourceChanged event.
DelegateDataSourceChangingHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the DataSourceChanging event.
DelegateDataSourceErrorHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the DataSourceError event.
DelegateExpandAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the ExpandAxisTupleMemberAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateGetCubesAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method which handles the GetCubesAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateGetHierarchiesAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method which handles the GetHierarchiesAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateGetHierarchyMembersAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method which handles the GetHierarchyMembersAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateGetMeasuresAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method which handles the GetMeasuresAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateInitializeAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method which handles the InitializeAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateRemoveAllFilterMembersAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the RemoveAllFilterMembersAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateRemoveFilterAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the RemoveFilterAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateRemoveFilterMemberAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the RemoveFilterMemberAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateRemoveMeasureAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method that handles the RemoveMeasureAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateSetCubeAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method which handles the SetCubeAsyncCompleted event.
DelegateUpdateAsyncCompletedHandler Defines the signature of the method which handles the UpdateAsyncCompleted event.
EnumerationAxisType Constants which identify the type of an Axis
EnumerationDataSourceChangeType Constants which identify the type of change that occurred to a data source.
EnumerationDataSourceErrorReason Constants which identify the reason for an error which occurred while updating a data source.
EnumerationLevelSortBehavior Specifies a sort behavior for a level members.
See Also