
RefParser Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RefParser.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRefParser ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldEscapeCharacterCharacter used for escaping special characters. It's the \ (backward slash) character.  
Public FieldNameValuePairSeparatorCharacterCharacter used for separating multiple name-value pairs. It's the , (comma) character.  
Public FieldNameValueSeparatorCharacterCharacter used for separating name portion and the value portion in a name-value pair. It's the = (equal) character.  
Public FieldQuotesCharacterCharacter used for specifying a quoted string. It's the " (double quotes) character.  
Public FieldRangeSeparatorCharacter used to denote a range of references.  
Public FieldRangeSeparatorWithSpacesA space padded string representing a range.  
Public FieldRefBeginScopeCharacter used to denote the begining of a scope.  
Public FieldRefEndScopeCharacter used to denote the end of a scope.  
Public FieldRefFullyQualifiedStringString used to denote the start of a fully qualified reference.  
Public FieldRefSeperatorCharacter used as a Path element seperator.  
Public FieldRefSeperatorStringString used as a Path element seperator.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyHasAbsoluteIndexReturns true if the Reference has at least one RefTuple with an absolute index. Read Only. ex: Total(0)  
Public PropertyHasRelativeIndexReturns true if the Reference has at least one RefTuple with a relative index. Read Only. ex: Total(-1)  
Public PropertyHasScopeAllReturns true if the Reference has at least one RefTuple with a scope of "All". Read Only. ex: Total(*)  
Public PropertyHasSummaryScopeReturns true if the Reference has a Summary Scope. Read Only. ex: Total()  
Public PropertyIsFullyQualifiedReturns true if the Reference is fully qualified. Read Only. ex: //MyGrid/Something.  
Public PropertyIsRelativeReturns true if the reference is not fully qualified or a root. Read Only. ex: total  
Public PropertyIsRootReturns true if the Reference is a root reference. Read Only. ex: /something  
Public PropertyItemTuple indexer. Read Only.  
Public PropertyLastTupleReturn the Last tuple or null if none available. Read Only.  
Public PropertyNextToLastTupleReturn the NextToLast tuple or null if none available. Read Only.  
Public PropertyTupleCountReturn the tuple count. Read Only.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBuildReferencePopulate this RefParser by merging the input baseRP with the input mergeRP. If respectMarked is true, then any tuples in mergeRP that are Marked have precedence and are converted to scope Any.  
Public MethodContainsReturns true if the input RefParser in contained by this RefParser. The RefParser is contained if each RefTuple in this RefParser contains the corresponding RefTuple in the input RefParser.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)EscapeStringEscapes all the special charactes in the specified text. If withinQuotes is true then it only escapes the special characters that need to be escaped within double quotes, namely the '"' and '\' characters.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns the tuples IEnumerator.  
Public MethodIsSubsetReturns true if the input RefParser is a proper subset of this RefParser. The RefParser is a proper subset if each RefTuple in this RefParser has a scope that completely contains the corresponding RefTuple in the input RefParser.  
Public MethodMarkRelativeIndicesFor each tuple in this reference with a Relative Index, mark the corresponding tuple in targetRP  
Public MethodMergePopulate this RefParser by merging the input baseRP with the input mergeRP. If respectMarked is true, then any tuples in mergeRP that are Marked have precedence and are converted to scope Any.  
Public MethodNormalizeEscapementThis method has the same effect as calling UnEscapeString and then calling EscapeString on the specified text. This ensures that the text is minimally escaped.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ParseNameValuePairsParses specified name-value pair. Examples of name-value pairs that this method parses are:
            State = New York, City = New York
            State = "New York", City = "New York"
            State=New York,City=New York
            A\/B = C\/D (column name is A/B and value is C/D.)
            A = 10 miles\/hour, B = "20 miles/hour" (Withing double quotes only double quotes and backward slash have to be escaped.)
            P1 = 10\, 20, P2 = "10, 20"
Returns an array of NameValuePair objects. Note: Names and values will be unescaped and also stripped of surrounding quotes.  
Public MethodToStringOverloaded. Appends the string representation of the parsed reference to the specified string builder.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnEscapeStringUnescapes all the escaped charactes in the specified text.  
See Also