Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Win.SupportDialogs.ConditionalFormatting Namespace

ClassConditionAppearanceRow A row representing a default Infragistics.Win.OperatorCondition and its associated appearance.
ClassConditionGroupAppearanceRow A row representing a Infragistics.Win.ConditionGroup and its associated appearance.
ClassConditionGroupRow A row representing a ConditionGroup.
ClassConditionRow A row used to represent a OperatorCondition.
ClassConditionValueAppearanceForm Form that allows the user to enter and update conditions and appearances that the WinGrid evaluales at run time. Cell values that meet the conditions will have the corresponding appearances applied to them
ClassDefaultConditionAppearanceRow A row representing a default condition. This type has no appearance associated with it and the IsValid method will call the base class implementation and always return false. This class serves as a placeholder for newly added ConditionRowControls.
ClassFormulaAppearanceRow A row representing a Infragistics.Win.FormulaCondition and its associated appearance.
ClassFormulaRow A row representing a FormulaCondition.
ClassTrueConditionAppearanceRow A row representing a Infragistics.Win.TrueCondition and its associated appearance.
ClassTrueConditionRow A row representing a Infragistics.Win.TrueCondition.
InterfaceIConditionValueAppearanceFormInfo For Infragistics Internal Use Only
See Also