Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Win.SupportDialogs.FilterUIProvider Namespace

ClassActionButtonAreaUIElement A UIElement containing the OK and Cancel buttons for the FilterUIProvider.
ClassActionButtonUIElement A UIElement representing either the OK or Cancel button shown on the dropdown of a UltraGridFilterUIProvider.
ClassAfterMenuPopulateEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.AfterMenuPopulate event.
ClassBeforeMenuPopulateEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.BeforeMenuPopulate event.
ClassButtonToolClickEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.ButtonToolClick event.
ClassDateHierarchyFilterOperand A class for comparing an integer part of a date with another value
ClassFilterButtonTool Represents a clickable tool on the menu that is capable of displaying a checkmark.
ClassFilterMenuTool Represents a tool that can display child menus.
ClassFilterOperandTool Represents a tool that, when clicked, will apply a SpecialFilterOperand to the underlying grid.
ClassFilterTool A base class for all items that are displayed by the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.
ClassFilterTreeTool Represents a tree that represents selectable values by which to filter.
ClassFilterUIProviderButtonSettings A class for modifying the settings used to control the buttons on the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.
ClassFilterUIProviderMenuSettings A class for modifying the settings used to control the menus on the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.
ClassFilterUIProviderTreeSettings A class for modifying the settings off the tree shown by the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.
ClassUltraGridFilterUIProvider A Windows Forms component that provides an advanced filtering user interface for an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.
ClassUltraGridFilterUIProvider.UltraGridFilterUIProviderRole Role class for the UltraGridFilterUIProvider derived controls.
EnumerationActionButtonType An enumeration specifying the type of button shown by the filter provider.
EnumerationDateHierarchyLevel Represents how many levels down the FilterTreeTool will break down a System.DateTime object.
EnumerationFilterUIProviderViewStyle An enumeration used to specify the style of the menus and tree.
EnumerationHideExpansionIndicators Determines when to hide the expansion indicators, such as when the control does nto have focus or is not hot-tracked.
EnumerationPropertyIds An enumeration of property IDs used with the UltraGridFilterUIProvider.
See Also