| Enumeration | Description |
| AngleUnit | Unit of measurement to use for angles. |
| AxisDataType | Enumeration for types of data which can be displayed on an axis. |
| AxisIntervalType | Enumeration used to specify a type of logical interval on an axis. |
| AxisItemLabelFormat | Predefined axis label format strings |
| AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors | Enumeration representing different methods of axis label layout. |
| AxisNumber | A number that uniquely identifies the type of an axis. |
| AxisRangeType | Describes how axis limits are calculated. |
| AxisSeriesLabelFormat | Predefined axis series label format strings |
| AxisTickStyle | The set of styles which position tickmarks and labels on an axis |
| BubbleShape | Shape of bubbles appearing on a Bubble Chart. |
| CacheLevel | Cache level indicator. |
| ChartImageMapEvents | Event indicators on Chart's Image Map. |
| ChartSortType | Defines the Sorting Direction for bubbles on BubbleChart. |
| ChartType | The list of all chart types that are available |
| ChartTypeData | Identification of the appropriate Data Source in hybrid Chart Types. |
| ColorModels | The set of Color models to use when rendering a chart |
| ColorScaling | If a ColorScaling scheme is chosen then the color model will scale the set of colors that repeat for each series by increasing or decreasing the brightness/contrast appropriately |
| EffectApplicationMode | Mode for applying a visual effect. |
| EventProcessingSide | Indicators for where event-processing should be handled. |
| FillHatchStyle | Specifies if and how a hatch brush will be used to fill the background of a graphical element. |
| FunnelLabelLocation | Enumeration for the location of labels on a funnel or pyramid chart. |
| GradientColoringStyle | Method used for automatically generating a FillStopColor for gradients. |
| GradientStyle | Specifies how a color gradient will be used to fill the background of any graphical object. |
| HeatMapRenderQuality | Determines the number of divisions to create when rendering a HeatMap chart |
| HierarchicalChartAxis | Enumeration for type of measurement used in a hierarchical chart. |
| HingeColumnType | Enumeration defining interchangeable hinge columns for Candle Chart. |
| ImageDeploymentScenario | Types of Image Deployment Scenario for Web. |
| ImageFitStyle | Background image fitting style. |
| ItemWildCard | Used as replacement for Column and Row numbers to match every row and column in chart text appearances. |
| LabelRenderLocation | Possible locations where a label can render. |
| LegendEmptyDisplayType | Enumeration for ways in which an empty indicator can be drawn in a chart legend. |
| LegendItemType | This enumeration is used for composite charts to specify how to create legend items. Legend item can represent a Data Point or a Series. For example, Pie chart needs legend item for every data point. The most of chart types use one legend item per series. |
| LegendLocation | The list of locations to place the legend |
| LineCapStyle | The list of style to use for drawing the line endpoints |
| LineDrawStyle | The set of styles to use for drawing lines |
| LocationOffsetMode | Mode of placement for the "offset point" of an offsetable chart element such as a callout annotation. |
| LocationType | Type of Location specified in a Location object. |
| LogNegativeHandling | Enumeration for methods of plotting negative values on logarithmic axes. |
| MeasureType | Enumeration for types of measurement. |
| NullHandling | Enumerates the possible treatments of Null data points. |
| NumericAxisType | Numeric scales applicable to continuous chart axes. |
| PaintElementType | Instances of PaintElement only provide brushes of their active type. |
| PieLabelFormat | The predefined format strings for labeling pie chart slices |
| RenderingType | Defines Rendering type |
| RulerGenre | Genre of ruler. |
| ScrollScaleEventType | Enum of values for determining a type of ScrollScale related event. |
| SortStyle | Enumeration for sorting data. |
| StackedType | Enumeration for determining how a chart is stacked. |
| StackStyle | Style applied to stackable chart types. |
| SupportedImageType | The list of supported image file formats to export to |
| SymbolIcon | The list of available icons to draw as data points in a Scatter plot. |
| SymbolIcon3D | The list of available 3D objects to draw as data points in a Point 3D chart. |
| SymbolIconSize | Choose how the size of the symbol icons are chosen for a Scatter chart |
| TextOrientation | The list of possible directions text labels can face |
| TextureApplicationStyle | Style for applying a texture. |
| TexturePresets | Enumeration for selecting a texture. |
| TitleLocation | Location of Titles on the Chart. |
| TooltipDisplay | When to display tooltips for data items |
| TooltipOverflow | Defines the way Tooltips are displayed when they exceed the bounds of their container. |
| TooltipStyle | Predefined list of format strings for creating tooltips |
| TreeMapType | A list of available tree map chart types. |