
Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles Namespace

ClassAxisStyle Internal Axis Style flags.
ClassLabelStyle This class contains all the properties for a Text label primitive including font, color, and orientation It will be stored internally by each Text primitive and also exposed to the user through the desinger
ClassLineStyle Class with appearance settings for drawing lines.
ClassMargins This class holds the top, left, bottom, and right margins in pixels for any child object We use this for the text label that appears inside each title layer panel
EnumerationAngleUnit Unit of measurement to use for angles.
EnumerationAxisDataType Enumeration for types of data which can be displayed on an axis.
EnumerationAxisIntervalType Enumeration used to specify a type of logical interval on an axis.
EnumerationAxisItemLabelFormat Predefined axis label format strings
EnumerationAxisLabelLayoutBehaviors Enumeration representing different methods of axis label layout.
EnumerationAxisNumber A number that uniquely identifies the type of an axis.
EnumerationAxisRangeType Describes how axis limits are calculated.
EnumerationAxisSeriesLabelFormat Predefined axis series label format strings
EnumerationAxisTickStyle The set of styles which position tickmarks and labels on an axis
EnumerationBubbleShape Shape of bubbles appearing on a Bubble Chart.
EnumerationCacheLevel Cache level indicator.
EnumerationChartImageMapEvents Event indicators on Chart's Image Map.
EnumerationChartSortType Defines the Sorting Direction for bubbles on BubbleChart.
EnumerationChartType The list of all chart types that are available
EnumerationChartTypeData Identification of the appropriate Data Source in hybrid Chart Types.
EnumerationColorModels The set of Color models to use when rendering a chart
EnumerationColorScaling If a ColorScaling scheme is chosen then the color model will scale the set of colors that repeat for each series by increasing or decreasing the brightness/contrast appropriately
EnumerationEffectApplicationMode Mode for applying a visual effect.
EnumerationEventProcessingSide Indicators for where event-processing should be handled.
EnumerationFillHatchStyle Specifies if and how a hatch brush will be used to fill the background of a graphical element.
EnumerationFunnelLabelLocation Enumeration for the location of labels on a funnel or pyramid chart.
EnumerationGradientColoringStyle Method used for automatically generating a FillStopColor for gradients.
EnumerationGradientStyle Specifies how a color gradient will be used to fill the background of any graphical object.
EnumerationHeatMapRenderQuality Determines the number of divisions to create when rendering a HeatMap chart
EnumerationHierarchicalChartAxis Enumeration for type of measurement used in a hierarchical chart.
EnumerationHingeColumnType Enumeration defining interchangeable hinge columns for Candle Chart.
EnumerationImageDeploymentScenario Types of Image Deployment Scenario for Web.
EnumerationImageFitStyle Background image fitting style.
EnumerationItemWildCard Used as replacement for Column and Row numbers to match every row and column in chart text appearances.
EnumerationLabelRenderLocation Possible locations where a label can render.
EnumerationLegendEmptyDisplayType Enumeration for ways in which an empty indicator can be drawn in a chart legend.
EnumerationLegendItemType This enumeration is used for composite charts to specify how to create legend items. Legend item can represent a Data Point or a Series. For example, Pie chart needs legend item for every data point. The most of chart types use one legend item per series.
EnumerationLegendLocation The list of locations to place the legend
EnumerationLineCapStyle The list of style to use for drawing the line endpoints
EnumerationLineDrawStyle The set of styles to use for drawing lines
EnumerationLocationOffsetMode Mode of placement for the "offset point" of an offsetable chart element such as a callout annotation.
EnumerationLocationType Type of Location specified in a Location object.
EnumerationLogNegativeHandling Enumeration for methods of plotting negative values on logarithmic axes.
EnumerationMeasureType Enumeration for types of measurement.
EnumerationNullHandling Enumerates the possible treatments of Null data points.
EnumerationNumericAxisType Numeric scales applicable to continuous chart axes.
EnumerationPaintElementType Instances of PaintElement only provide brushes of their active type.
EnumerationPieLabelFormat The predefined format strings for labeling pie chart slices
EnumerationRenderingType Defines Rendering type
EnumerationRulerGenre Genre of ruler.
EnumerationScrollScaleEventType Enum of values for determining a type of ScrollScale related event.
EnumerationSortStyle Enumeration for sorting data.
EnumerationStackedType Enumeration for determining how a chart is stacked.
EnumerationStackStyle Style applied to stackable chart types.
EnumerationSupportedImageType The list of supported image file formats to export to
EnumerationSymbolIcon The list of available icons to draw as data points in a Scatter plot.
EnumerationSymbolIcon3D The list of available 3D objects to draw as data points in a Point 3D chart.
EnumerationSymbolIconSize Choose how the size of the symbol icons are chosen for a Scatter chart
EnumerationTextOrientation The list of possible directions text labels can face
EnumerationTextureApplicationStyle Style for applying a texture.
EnumerationTexturePresets Enumeration for selecting a texture.
EnumerationTitleLocation Location of Titles on the Chart.
EnumerationTooltipDisplay When to display tooltips for data items
EnumerationTooltipOverflow Defines the way Tooltips are displayed when they exceed the bounds of their container.
EnumerationTooltipStyle Predefined list of format strings for creating tooltips
EnumerationTreeMapType A list of available tree map chart types.
See Also