
Dock(Boolean) Method

Docks the pane and its children to the DockAreaPane it previously occupied.
Public Overloads Sub Dock( _
   ByVal maintainPreviousState As Boolean _
public void Dock( 
   bool maintainPreviousState


True if the floating pane(s) should be returned to the the docking area previously occupied. False will force multiple panes in a floating group to stay together when docked.

The maintainPreviousState parameter is used to determine how grouped floating panes should be re-docked. You can take panes from multiple docking areas and group them together in one floating pane group. You can then dock that floating group. When maintainPreviousState is set to True, the previous dock state of each pane is preserved, and docking the group will cause all of its panes to re-dock at their origninal locations. You can force the panes to remain together (and possibly change their docking location) when the floating group is docked by specifying False for the maintainPreviousState parameter.

If you invoke this method for a floating pane that has never been docked, the pane will dock along the right side of the client area.

The following code demonstrates the use of some of the flyout related properties and methods on the DockablePaneBase and DockableControlPane

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock

Private Sub buttonFlyout_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttonFlyout.Click

    ' A control pane can be referenced by the index, key or
    ' control from the ControlPanes collection since that is a
    ' collection of all the DockableControlPane instances managed
    ' by the UltraDockManager.
    Dim pane As DockableControlPane = Me.ultraDockManager1.ControlPanes(Me.ultraDayView1)

End Sub

Private Sub ShowInFlyout(ByVal pane As DockableControlPane)

    ' If its already showing and its the active pane, exit
    ' IsFlyoutPaneDisplayed is equivalent to comparing it
    If (pane.IsFlyoutPaneDisplayed AndAlso pane.IsActive) Then
    End If

    ' If its currently showing in a flyout window but
    ' its not the active pane, we'll active it and exit
    If (pane.IsFlyoutPaneDisplayed AndAlso Not pane.IsActive) Then
    End If

    ' If the pane is closed, show it first
    If Not pane.IsVisible Then
    End If

    ' If another pane is flown out, hide it back first
    If Not pane.Manager.FlyoutPane Is Nothing Then
    End If

    ' If the pane is still pinned...
    If (pane.Pinned) Then

        ' If its floating, let dock it and specify true
        ' for the 'maintainPreviousState' argument which
        ' indicates whether the pane (and in the case of a 
        ' group, its child panes) return to their previous
        ' docked locations or if they are docked together
        ' as they are currently floating. in this example,
        ' we'll just put it back to where it was. this is
        ' essentially the same as toggling its state
        ' i.e. pane.ToggleDockState()
        If (pane.DockedState = DockedState.Floating) Then
        End If

        ' Unpin the pane - this should implicitly show it

        ' We'll explicitly activate it
        ' If the pane is unpinned, reset the flyout size 
        pane.FlyoutSize = New Size(200, 200)

        ' If its already unpinned, we'll slide it out from
        ' the unpinned tab area and activate it
        pane.Flyout(True, True)
    End If

End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void buttonFlyout_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// A control pane can be referenced by the index, key or
	// control from the ControlPanes collection since that is a
	// collection of all the DockableControlPane instances managed
	// by the UltraDockManager.
	DockableControlPane pane = this.ultraDockManager1.ControlPanes[this.ultraDayView1];
	this.ShowInFlyout( pane );


private void ShowInFlyout( DockableControlPane pane )

	// If its already showing and its the active pane, exit
	// IsFlyoutPaneDisplayed is equivalent to comparing it
	if (pane.IsFlyoutPaneDisplayed && pane.IsActive)

	// If its currently showing in a flyout window but
	// its not the active pane, we'll active it and exit
	if (pane.IsFlyoutPaneDisplayed && !pane.IsActive)

    // If the pane is closed, show it first
    if (!pane.IsVisible)

	// If another pane is flown out, hide it back first
	if (pane.Manager.FlyoutPane != null)

	// If the pane is still pinned...
	if (pane.Pinned)
		// if its floating, let dock it and specify true
		// for the 'maintainPreviousState' argument which
		// indicates whether the pane (and in the case of a 
		// group, its child panes) return to their previous
		// docked locations or if they are docked together
		// as they are currently floating. in this example,
		// we'll just put it back to where it was. this is
		// essentially the same as toggling its state
		// i.e. pane.ToggleDockState();
		if (pane.DockedState == DockedState.Floating)

		// Unpin the pane - this should implicitly show it
		// We'll explicitly activate it
		// If the pane is unpinned, reset the flyout size 
		pane.FlyoutSize = new Size(200, 200);

		// If its already unpinned, we'll slide it out from
		// the unpinned tab area and activate it
		pane.Flyout(true, true);


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also