
ResolveAppearance(AppearanceData,AppearancePropFlags,Boolean,Boolean) Method

Resolves the appearance for this item.
Public Overloads Sub ResolveAppearance( _
   ByRef appearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData, _
   ByRef requestedProps As Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags, _
   ByVal isEditing As Boolean, _
   ByVal isHotTracking As Boolean _
public void ResolveAppearance( 
   ref Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData appearance,
   ref Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags requestedProps,
   bool isEditing,
   bool isHotTracking


A reference to the AppearanceData structure to be resolved.
A reference to the bitflags enumeration that describe which properties are to be resolved.
If true, the appearance will be resolved as if the item's text was being edited in-place.
If true, the appearance will be resolved as if the item was hot tracking.
The following code get fully resolved appearance data for the first Item in the first Group and display the values of several appearance properties.

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar

	Private Sub Button47_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button47.Click

		' All the code below operates on the first Item in the first Group so make sure we have at
		' least one group.
		If (Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Count < 1) Then
		End If

		If (Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups(0).Items.Count < 1) Then
		End If

		' Get the fully resolved appearance for the first Item in the first Group
		' and display the setting for forecolor, backcolor, and font bold.
		Dim appearanceData As AppearanceData = New AppearanceData()
		Dim requestedProperties As AppearancePropFlags = AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor Or AppearancePropFlags.BackColor Or AppearancePropFlags.FontBold

		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups(0).Items(0).ResolveAppearance(AppearanceData, requestedProperties)

		Debug.WriteLine("The backcolor for first group's first item is '" + appearanceData.BackColor.ToString())
		Debug.WriteLine("The forecolor for first group's first item is '" + appearanceData.ForeColor.ToString())
		Debug.WriteLine("The fontbold setting for first group's first item is '" + appearanceData.FontData.Bold.ToString())

	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar;

		private void button47_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// All the code below operates on the first Item in the first Group so make sure we have at
			// least one group.
			if (this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Count < 1)

			if (this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].Items.Count < 1)

			// Get the fully resolved appearance for the first Item in the first Group
			// and display the setting for forecolor, backcolor, and font bold.
			AppearanceData		appearanceData		= new AppearanceData();
			AppearancePropFlags	requestedProperties	= AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor | AppearancePropFlags.BackColor | AppearancePropFlags.FontBold;

			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].Items[0].ResolveAppearance(ref appearanceData, ref requestedProperties);
			Debug.WriteLine("The backcolor for first group's first item is '" + appearanceData.BackColor.ToString());
			Debug.WriteLine("The forecolor for first group's first item is '" + appearanceData.ForeColor.ToString());
			Debug.WriteLine("The fontbold setting for first group's first item is '" + appearanceData.FontData.Bold.ToString());

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also